Safe Mode?!

FR. this thread is immortal bruv istg

could they just add that u can`t kill someone who is 11 lvls lower than u like a 10 lvl difference ig

just let this topic die


if you dont want to fight people you can always run 250 agility almost no one can catch up to ya

though there is slow gel, vetex could nerf the hell out of slow gel

i’ve never met a ganker that used slow gel let alone any potion related thing

well i do remember i was once ganked by 2 people and they were using slow gel and it was in ravenna but i managed to escape and logged out

then keep your rep below 20k

me getting spawnkilled at lvl 55 at sailors:

1, learn to fight
2, if you cant fight, try to negotiate
3, if that doesnt work, then run, it aint called fight or flight for nothin

join grand navy
it resets your renown for free
then just leave

Okay, kind of am at peace with PVP, mostly just have problems with rude people. I mostly care about manners more than anything. Even if you gank me, say GG after, y’know? I do.

I’m responding to you because you missed what I said. “Physically.”

Not as in “learn to fight.” I mean that my hands don’t listen to me correctly.
I don’t like saying it often, but I have nerve damage, which numbs and causes spasms.

I am not exaggerating when I say that much of my time in games requires moments where I have to not hold my mouse due to spasms in my fingers.

Have your opinion all you want; I’ve come to terms with the PVP. My problem with you is that I said in the forums between the messages you quoted from me that I have a physical handicap and cannot fight back correctly no matter what.

That’s it. You said “learn to fight” and I just can’t. I can know what to do but I can’t put it into action. My hands won’t allow me.

Listen, the only time a ganker was willing to negotiate with me, he wanted a 10k bribe. At that point, I’d rather just die.

Also, as LiterallyNimona pointed out; some players legit just can’t fight. Physical issues in real life, severe lag, a work in progress build… there’s a lot of factors that would put you at a basically unwinnable disadvantage. Running, while definitely a better option, may similarly be inefficient with such difficulties.

oh man
well golly you didnt tell me
in my defense, i couldnt know you had a disability which prevented you from playing well

i skimmed through that part
its my fault
im sorry

i think i’m forever cursed to click on a topic from 500 years ago and see the most out of context recent replies