Sailor's Lodge as a Fishing Spot

Sailor's Lodge as a Fishing Spot
effort 1.0 1 quality 1.0 1 reasonability 1.0 3

Pretty much a suggestion to create an area for legitimate fishers to have no catching knockback considering it’s mostly there to counter macrofishers.

Sailor’s Lodge

  • This will now be the only island that gives no catching knockback.

  • Macrofishers could attempt to fish here but it gives them a really high chance of getting banned than going to their usual “hidden” spot so at best considering there would be more legitimate fishers here.

  • Legitimate fishers obviously hate macrofishers so they would most likely check if someone is fishing legitimately in Sailor’s Lodge considering it’s the only spot where they can only use their mouse in a fishing activity.

This isn’t about combatting macrofishers btw, it just doesn’t make sense why everyone is affected by the few people who’s willing to get banned, so the point of this suggestion is to create one area where catching knockback is not applied.

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this is a pretty redundant suggestion. if youre saying the knockback is useless, which is what im getting from this suggestion, why not suggest to just remove the knockback in the first place? there is no difference from fishing spots vs fishing normally, you even said yourself that macrofishers can still abuse it.

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I’m not saying the knockback is useless, it’s there to show you aren’t inactive after all. Just that there should be spots where it doesn’t apply.

The requirements for a fishing spot shows that it needs to be on islands that people frequent going to, considering macrofishers hide on hidden spots to lessen the chance of getting banned.

Sure they can use the fishing spots too but it’s riskier to do so than the hidden spots they often go to. One of the reasons is that they can get caught easier if they even attempt it since people frequently go to those spots and check if they’re afk. Trust me, as someone who’s spent a lot of time in this game, people who “afk” fish behind something like the barrels in sailor’s lodge aren’t actually afk. I see more macrofishers at pelion rift than areas where a lot of people often go to.

Again, vetex shouldn’t forsake all of the players that want to fish for the few that’s willing to risk getting banned.

if anyone, including the macrofishers, can use it, why bother with this? and the different locations is irrelevant if they can still fish in some other hidden location. the existence of a fishing spot doesnt immediately tell you the difference between a normal player and a player using macros until you interact with them.

again, its irrelevant. any player can go into any random location and fish with or without a macro, theres no point in having a fishing spot other than to eliminate a really small issue.

so what? does that mean all fishers at pelion rift are macrofishers? does it also mean that no player in sailors can macro? the answer better be no. just because you can have players congregate at one place doesnt mean they will. matter of fact they probably wont since i can just bomb them with explosion spells.

if your suggestion is to combat macrofishing, this is a really weak suggestion. if your trying to combat the knockback in fishing, no one finds it annoying or detrimental to the game. its not that deep

would make macroing super easy

what is the point of this.

The reason people don’t fish isn’t because it requires attention and positioning, its because its so mind numbingly boring with a 0.0001% chance of getting anything worthwhile out of it.

Making it easier is only going to make it worse.

Not only that but it ALSO makes macroing comedically easy.

Whar… I just want to create a space for people to fish without knockback since obviously both sides hate catching knockback but it’s there to narrow down spots for macrofishers :sob:

True but are they willing to do it openly on a spot where people actually check? Knowing that it’s more likely to get them banned than on their usual “hidden” fishing spots like pelion

I could just make it into one spot I guess

Two things to consider on that regard:
1: This suggestion does literally nothing to stop the macro fishers from going on as usual in their normal spots
2: Who on EARTH actually checks people fishing for macros, that’s weird as hell.

ok yeah i cant deny thats the real problem with fishing. the knockback’s been there since so long i dont even consider it anymore

i dont think this suggestion really helps the bad kind of macro fishers, those that actually are afk, but it definitely makes it stupid easy to have a macro on and be there on standby doing other stuff. id be down for fishing minigames that are more rewarding and that not everyone and their mother can make a macro for in 10 sec

oh and i dont like when things are needlessly inconsistent. like grabs only going full distance during combat, fishing only having knockback outside of those spots, and… other things i cant remember rn but still exist

I mean, majority of people love getting people banned ngl, it’s one of the reasons why people bother reporting, especially people around the age of 13 and guess what, that’s mostly the playerbase of roblox :fr:

Since obviously vetex cant stop macrofishers, why force the legitimate fishers into doing the same thing?

I’ll just turn Sailor’s Lodge as the only fishing spot ig considering at the very least there’s only one spot that legitimate fishers can easily fish but macrofishers have a really high chance of getting banned if they attempt to do so

There’s literally no point in doing this. It’s something that relies too heavily on other players to work properly, and I heavily doubt that anyone is even going to pay attention to fishers other than jerks who’re looking to increase their pk count. If anything, it might get the regulars killed.

There’s no explanation what-so-ever as to how macroers would get banned. Just saying that there’s a “higher chance of getting banned” doesn’t cut it. Elaborate please.

Fishing knockback, while inconvenient, is simply negated by tapping W after catching something with a rod. This is what regular fishers already do. For macroers or people who don’t want to deal with that, all they have to do is fish with their backs facing something that’ll stop them from going back while also being close enough to the body of water.

This is genuinely a pointless feature in my eyes.

who is this majority and why have I only ever seen 2 of them across WoM AND AO.
(I fish often)

I dont mean majority are macrofishers, I meant majority of people in general would definitely get someone banned if they broke a rule

I’ve legitimately seen more people fish behind a barrel or wall in areas where people often frequent going to, they definitely respond or react within a few sec so there’s little chance of them macroing which is opposite to what macrofishers do, so obviously both sides hate the idea of the knockback despite it being a mere “press w” fix.

Never fished with random strangers? Cause most of the experience pretty much goes down to conversations and what not, if you dont respond to them then they’ll suspect you of macrofishing.

As for this, it’s pretty much logical. Macrofishing is bannable therefore doing it openly in a spot where a lot of legitimate fishers go to is just asking for it.

And yeah, ig this does rely on other players but vetex cant really stop macrofishers anyways so why not let other players who does fish legitimately do the work, since they consider macrofishers unfair then obviously they’ll report them 100% even more when they’re doing it in the only spot where legitimate fishers can fish easily

Again, it isnt about macrofishers, it’s to create a spot for the legitimate fishers who hates the fishing knockback

While some may see it as an unreliable source but I do have 1K+ hours to back up my claims that majority of the legitimate fishers hate the fishing knockback

Yes, in all my time fishing across both games, I have seen TWO people check on anybody to see if they were afk or not and both times they were weird as fuck and uncomfortable to be around.

Are they behind on something though? And if that were the case where were they? Because I mostly see 3 to 5 barrel fishers at sailor and 1 to 2 at shell island and palo after each updates, getting less and less people check in on them considering content is dry after a few days