Scenario: You've become Vetex. What do you add to the game?

Break his neak boys

Can I put my balls in ya jaws (ya jaws)

the horny.

No u


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World of Magic reborn

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furry update

Add crafting.

you better be joking or I’ll smash your knees inward

Can I put my ballllls in your jaws (your jaaaaws)
Balllls in your JAWWWWS
Can I…
Can I…
Can I put my balls in your jaws.

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Oh…we were fools…

add happiness, it’s lacking

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i will remove unfriendly rep npcs

make maid set meta

And remove vanity?

best suggestion yet

it actually can be if you are a pro omega giga chad weapons main

release lost magics for now

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This guy probably getting banned or atleats getting to 5
Needlessly pinged :b:etex
Necro’d a post
Inappropriate behavior
Requested personal info (as in, boobs. Yes. Vetexes boobs… nit even femtex smh)

Also yes, these are a liiiiiittle bit exaggerated but meh I’m a bit mad rn

Fly spells are no more I guess?