Scenario: You've become Vetex. What do you add to the game?

The other benefits are fine but not this. Selecting a magic should be a meaningful choice.

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I agree, changing magic variations is better than changing ur magic

I would add: air balloons, sakura trees, and statue of Vetex, because I like Vetex.

that necro

Excuse me?

2 month necrobump


I’d add space magic

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You fucking necromancer

oh hi cosmos-kun :flushed:


hey :muscle::smirk::selfie:

More like Necromancy magic
Coz why did you bring this back

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dead revival magic already in aa smh unoriginal idea

Not add, but change. I would remake the spear animations for AO. It makes me so fricking maldy that the strongest spear combo is slashing and swiping. You don’t slash with a spear, that’s terrible. And yet the rapier animations are well made, purely thrusts and jabs, just as real world rapiers are intended for. Everybody researches swords but never spears, so frustrating.

But yeah, I’d change the spear animation to be really strong thrusts instead of slashes at the end of the combo. Spears just aren’t good for slashing, but stabbing is op. High armor penetration, long reach, easily kills.


i wil add the pets (like me favoritey game adotp me)

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your name fits your idea :nod:


Every day, we stray further from god

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mounts and/or flying ez

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  1. Fox ears & tail.

  2. An ingame guide to most things, containing beginner, intermediate & advanced versions for everything covered.

  3. The ability to combine various magic types into the same spell.
    ( Magics that make sense to go together that is. )

  4. An ingame friends list.

  5. As the legend himself said :