Scroll magic tree

Scroll magic tree
effort 4.375 8 quality 4.0 8 reasonability 2.888888888888889 9

Cool suggestion @Puma2 made so I’m posting it since he doesn’t have suggestor perms (and seemingly doesn’t want them?)

Also Flash Magic is missing of the Light Magic tree.


  • Would make you feel you’re progressing your magic mastery
  • Kind of works with the new lore (where a mage can possibly learn any number of magics he wants (but still keeps the 3 magic limitation in-game))


  • If you missclick somewhere in the process, you’re fucked

to fix the con, there could be like an instance of something rarer than Prometheus’s acrimony like a rabbits foot. there are many instances in greek mythology where rabbits are involved.

For example, rabbits used to be sacrificed to Aphrodite, which is the goddess of love. Adding on, theyre also very good tricksters but can bring good luck and fortune if you treat them with respect.
So you could like have to do them a quest and they give you their foot and that foot plus Prometheus’s acrimony plus some other rare shit could be used for a skill tree reset potion

yeah but then some magics would just feel weaker than others, like whirlpool would be overshadowed by pressure, and whirlpool sounds sick as fuck, don’t do whirlpool dirty

simply, no
it simply doesn’t make sense for some magics, like sun turning into balance (which I believe is even retconned)
also aethereal fire is a grand fire magic, and it not being a final tree option is weird
also wind turning into gravity turning into sound doesn’t make any sense
also time magic doesn’t exist
also darkflame has been retconned a while back
also promethean fire will never be player obtainable because it’s too strong
also why is phoenix on the same level as inferno or scorch? those are grand fire magics
at least the wood tree somewhat makes sense
also what’s the obsession with putting pressure everywhere?
also petty negative point for vetex: Apocalypse bringer is a bad name when every other magic is just [name] + magic or [variant] [name] magic, bringer is not a variant so it’s inconsistent
also why would ice turn into diamond
also why is storm only on wind and not also lightning
also also why is storm an upgrade to slash? that’s just weird

also it would kind of force people to focus into one progression line which means that you give the player way too little freedom, while individual magic scroll would still allow a lot of freedom


what banana and iris said, but also, why would losts have different branches depending on how they start such as sun and flare, it’s still the same magic once you get to it

brown whirlpool :stuck_out_tongue:

better shit in the sink than sink in shit…

I actually like this suggestion alot, with a few changes and setting it according to lore and maybe even a few more magic additions i can see this working beautifully in Arcane Odyssey

This can also be applied to FS in some way to bring the difficulty of grinding skills in their division closer to Weapons

Just that FS can just start a path from a trainer.

Hopefully Vetex does consider a progression like system for both magic and fs cuz this would be hella cool.

i feel like its wayyyyyy too early to suggest things like that
nice icons tho

its cool but i dont think it can really work?
its weird to have 10 trees when theres 20 base magics, that they each have a different amount of “evolutions” and that some magics are on multiple trees. its overcomplicated for no good reason and if anything it gives a reason for further magics to be op when ideally all lost (and eventually ancient) magics should be balanced between eachother

…and anyway i dont really see a reason to entertain the idea when we practically already know vetex would say no, not that this is the suggestion’s fault. after all the guy wasnt planning to make it a real suggestion in the first place

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Why is equinox an evolution of a grand fire magic

Ngl as much as I want to roast this suggestion for being unrealistic, I do actually want a magic related skill tree. Although I think the way it’s done here sucks so I’m gonna suggest a better alternative.

All Magics should be on the same skill tree, and the wildly different magics should just be far away from each other.

It’s basically going to be like the sphere grid from FFX, To add more depth we can even add little magic stat upgrades in between where someone’s magic would change. Using this method I basically just made a cooler version of the mutation chart.

Aether and flare should have their positions switched.

Base idea is good, tree would probably look completely different if implemented though

Alright this concept seems dope IF implemented correctly but… I do think that Time Magic will literally break the Arcane Universe both ingame and lore, being able to control time in AO is too OP even more so than Promethean Fire Magic… Also what the hell is Balance magic?

while the idea is good conceptually i don’t think he would ever bother implementing that. nice job though

Look its a cool idea it just won’t work in AO.

But I suggested it anyway

While tying together all magic types into a tree style of progression is an interesting idea in actuality the execution would inevitably be rather messy so I don’t think this is a very good idea. Also putting one lost magic type later in a progression than another when all lost magic types will be of relative equal power to all others doesn’t make any sense either. I’d much rather have the game provide unique repeatable methods of unlocking lost magic types or lost fighting styles, like people with vampirism spreading it to other willing players through some ritual or something, than an arbitrary feeling magic type tree.

I like the general idea since it feels like you are “progressing” but the other stuff needs reworks with the positioning (wth is inferno on the same tier as phoenix and why can we use prothemean fire :skull: and how does gravity degrade into sound)