Sea Curses are weird. And kind of dumb

note: this is a bit of a rant

So. The Sea Curses. They’re cubes you can touch which grant you the ability to manipulate, create, and turn into their corresponding element without needing to use a magic circle at all, as well as make you unable to age. You probably can’t make a magic circle and fire off whatever you used before, but that’s alright, you’re either already used to or will quickly get used to your new element.
Examples include Fire (as well as the four (five?) crazy powerful variations of it that you can ONLY get from curses), Magma, and basically any other element, including Cloud-
cloud? that’s an element?
i mean maybe you can shoot clouds from a magic circle if you mutated wind or something so sure, i guess
alright, let me flip through this a bit more- wait a minute
the hell is this?
death? is that, like, stronger shadow or something?
no? literal death? could you even shoot that from a magic circle?
what do you mean, you can’t? i thought these were based off of elements
“not necessarily”? oh god, what am i about to find?

what. element. is a fffFFUCKING LAZARUS SUPPOSED TO BE?!

edit: there is none it’s an external curse yeah ok i get it


pretty sure its just highly concentrated shadow that gives intense withering and maybe insanity ( to both parties )

magics were named by human aka people who doesnt know everything, just because its named like that doesnt mean it’s the actual thing

however, i should also say that curses supposedly create the real thing instead of just magic energy trying to imitate it ( fire magic doesnt create actual fire but fire curse does, their differents are very little ( i know of none ) tho ), so idk if that also apply to death, cloud and other stuffs

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no no, magic doesn’t actually be that element, it just resembles it


thats external, not elemental, it revive you and make you stronger but aldo has a chance to fail


i know what the lazarus curse does, but trust me, i don’t think you’re gonna see freedrock shooting Literal Reincarnation at his enemies, that’s why he has the radius fist. (poor bastard got a curse just for it to not actually do anything other than “you might not actually die if someone kills you. might. it’s not guaranteed.”)

also, how does durza actually use the absorption curse? does he just sort of drain magic from his enemies over time or does he fire magical energy that’d absorb their magic if he got hit?


he kinda just sucks it out (pause)


Some straightforward magics are easy to understand: Fire curse produces fire, Glass curse creates glass.

But there are “passive” curses or obscure curses: Shockawve curse and Energy Curse. First just creates showckwaves and Energy curse gives user unlimited stamina / mana.

If Lazarus magic is a gamble on life and Death, and maybe Curse does the same thing but with less chance of dying. (Normal chance is 50% and unpon reviving you become stronger.)

“jawa, what are you trying to say, you godforsaken rambler?”

why aren’t normal able to do any actual magical shit aside from elements while the curse users get either basic shit or total hacks
i think we’re skipping a few steps here

Bro imagine permadeath in AO. And that guy had 50/50 respawn chance, its good.

…yes, because its an external curse aka supernatural power

beat the fck out of someone and touch them, or just raise his hand at them if they arent too strong apparently

i have a question, if someone with magic got the energy curse, would they still be able to cast magic and stuff and never run out of mana, or would they only have unlimited mana but have locked off magic and just be fucked

look at him and laugh he hasn’t read the wiki page

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ok i should NOT have just posted it and tried to continue it in replies like an idiot but i’ll actually respond to stuff now
i’ll be editing this one with responses

…damn, you right

i still don’t get that though
I can get why humans don’t have access to the capabilities of magic aside from the near-identical-to-their-real-counterpart elements (Prometheus gave it to them and didn’t tell them anything about the passive stuff), but what about the gods? They surely had all the passive stuff, right? How insanely powerful did Cursebeard have to be in order to kill a guy who could literally create curses? I know I’m looking into it too much, but god damn, there’s no way any of the gods could’ve died if they had access to shit like Energy and Lazarus. And if they didn’t… where’d those curses come from?



actually a good question

we know curse severely weaken or outright disable someone’s magic, especially if they are opposites ( fire and water, shadow and light for example ) but does that also apply with external curse like energy, lazarus and shockwave?

you probably cant use any magic other than curse you have

imagine freedrock goes on his villain arc after learning something like apoc bringer lmao

Cause you basicly that magic, how can you have any other?
Cursebeard hello

thats might be the worst curse in existant on it own then, you literally just never get tired, doesnt have superhuman strength or durability or smt

tho ig that also mean you can train nonstop

i mean, a berserker with unlimited energy does sound kinda threatening

only elemental turn you, external just give you power ( which is why they dont go boom boom under ocean iirc )