Sea Curses are weird. And kind of dumb

ok might be one of my favs now thank you for this info

The only known externals are shockwave, Lazarus, vector and absorption right?
Also would the time curse owned by sond fall under that category as well?


also retconned, both of them ( you knew this already tho, didnt you ? )

growth curse is also an external curse, even tho its basically just plant magic on steroid ( then again, same with things like death flare and various other )

I think Sond having the time curse was retconned. I’m not sure if the vector curse is canon, and the growth curse may as well be an external curse.

(nvm the vector curse was retconned)

Vetex said it was elemental apparently

I didn’t know Vector was retconned as a curse. And I’m just gonna pretend time was never retconned because I hate why it was retconned

fcking Vetex and his retcon smh


you can, its just harder since your curse energy is conflicting with your magic element (unless you have an external curse, which the energy curse is)

You sure about this? Cursebeards could transform into pure energy and fly away+energy was a planned lost magic

Either that or it’s like the concept of decay

thats how i imagined it

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Personally I hope that’s the case death seems to cool to be just shadow on steroids

if death is just shadow with better stats and inflicts like tier 2 insanity I’m gonna be disappointed.

Imo shadow should give tier 1 insanity
Darkness magic should give tier 2 insanity
Death should give wither (the old shadow status effect from AA) that could also affect your limbs.

if it cant be stacked with other sources of insanity it might works since t1 insanity does little tbh

Rise, my son. Rise from the six-month verge of death. I have more shit to talk.

Okay, so I’d say I got cooked a bit here. HOWEVER. I’m back. WITH the knowledge of external and elemental curses being different. I am a changed man.

But not really. This isn’t even necessarily curse-related, just mutated magics in general.
Some Sea Curse/magic names are really… odd. Before I could tell the difference between an elemental curse and an external curse by name alone. Rupin has the Fire Curse, Freedrock has the Lazarus Curse. One’s clearly an element, and the other isn’t.

But because there’s an entire different sea cluster that uses Sea Curses as status somewhat, there need to be more. Three (probably more) of the elemental curses we know about were already claimed by someone in the Seven Seas. (Rupin fire, Averill light, Trigno magma)

That’s two of the base magics and one of the more well-known mutations. Those are pretty significant ones, too, so in order for the War Seas to practically revolve around them, there need to be a lot more for the other base magics (if they show up), and all the other mutations. So you end up with names like Growth, Death, Shatter, and… Slash? I think that’s what the journal at Blasted Rock said.

The issue is, some of these sound like they’d be external. You can clearly imagine someone throwing a fireball, but it’s harder to imagine someone slinging a shatterball.
Apparently, you don’t need to, because there’s a video of Vetex using a (maybe) shatter attack in Reminders for AO. It’s a big blast that leaves a shattered visual effect where it detonated. Wow, what an element.
Which makes me wonder, what’s Slash Magic supposed to look like? The guy who used it had a sword, so it’s it like the katana/sabre’s flying slash but… more? Or is it something similar to (what was assumed to be) Shatter, where it’s just a ki blast magical energy with a visual effect?

It’s sort of the same with Death and Growth. You’d think that the Death Curse would do something like… instakill shit around you, or something. It’d probably be the strongest one, offensively.
It’s Shadow but a little blue and probably kills stuff a lot faster. We didn’t get to see Morden actually use it.
A name like Growth implies that you’d be able to make yourself grow, which is true to some degree, the man’s turned into a massive tree in the sky, but it still looks like some kind of mutation or evolution of Wood (if you can mutate mutations), where instead of JUST wood, you make full plants. I don’t know how that’d look through a magic circle, but whatever.
makes me wonder if theres’s a pure magic curse and if it’d be elemental, external, or both. would that just be chaos? probably not, no one can control that

anyway, there’s my rambling session, feel free to put it in the oven or somethin

iirc its des said it just send out bright green slash

itd probably turn the user into green energy that cut everything they touch ig

considering gods didnt use magic in the same way as ours, magics and curses’ names were most likely given by humans, who might not be 100% accurate all the time

shadow isnt shadow, and death isnt death, it just kill people really, really fast

idk about growth tho, pretty sure it was originally supposed to change size of stuffs before being turned into plant manipulation


untrue we saw him make his arms disappear to counter Julian making himself clear

nah you can get the magic too, it is just rare asf, like, as rare as getting Phoenix as your first mind

technicaly steam magic, except it is not hot

Yeah! you got it really fast


uhhh it is not cannon ( i think? ) but the explanation is that it is a curse created by someone that wasnt Prometheus or smth

That is a funny question! and the answer is: they can still use their magic
Sea curses, as you know, are separate into two, elemental and external
Elementals HATE magic, that is why you die if you touch water (it is very magical!)
External, DONT hate magic! (wich is why Valencia wasnt worried of falling in water with Morock during their battle)

The reason you cant use magic with a elemental curse is that it goes REALLY weak, and hurts to use, so an external curse wouldnt nerf you


it is what are you on :sob: