Sea Monster Bounties

Sea Monster Bounties
effort 4.935483870967742 62 quality 4.95 60 reasonability 4.919354838709677 62

I hope there are more ‘deep sea’ activities in the Dark sea. Stuff that forces you to go down below where sharks aggro on your boat- so you have to fight the sharks in their natural habitat. They are far scarier when you don’t have an easy escape.

yes. I remember a time I spawned 21 sharks at the redwake docks and some random thought there were only a few so jumped in the water to attack.

His death message appeared soon after.

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Good shit

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100 votes in 5 days! Is that a new record, or something?

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Bro what have you created @Crimsonpants? It has been 5 WHOLE DAYS, how is this at 100+ (made it 101 but still)?

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I see the problem, you’re a savant.

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agreed. much easier on my warrior, warlord, and mage files.

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I cooked up an idea and it kinda blew up for some reason.

Because it’s an amazing idea.

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This is still alive? Nice

It is for a reason!

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Overall great idea and it would be helpful when looking for specific drops like white eye scales and such. While also making sense to add both lore-wise and gameplay-wise. We desperately need this.

I don’t think anyones talked abt this but giving the player unique drops that actually benefit their ship and cannot be obtained except by bounty hunting sea creatures doesn’t sit well with me.

The other rewards make sense like after you killed a sea creature u could find a torn sail in it’s body (like it accidentally ate it) or you could turn the body into a figurehead. Trophies are self explanatory.

But how would u get a unique ram or hull armor from killing smth like an Obulus? U could say it swallowed the blueprint but that would be a regular blueprint and nothing rare so smth obtainable normally.

You could also say that maybe you took some of its body parts and used that as a design for a ram or hull armor. Like taking the scales of the sea creature in order to make a strong but fast hull armor. But I feel like creating these blueprints is smth only accessible to shipwrights so it wouldn’t make sense for some random dude with memory loss managing to create smth better than a trained professional.

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I don’t see why this shouldn’t be in AO; it just adds more depth to the game whilst making sense and giving us more potential ways to earn cash and renown. This should be in AO plain and simple.

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yes pls this sold me i want a diving spotlight :star_struck:

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Very cool

Cool and intuitive idea that I’m surprised hadn’t been implemented yet, considering this is a sea based game

Keep on cooking :fire:

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This is really great and I agree with D92, didn’t realized it until you posted this

Can’t wait for this to be a feature and do this with my friends or other people!

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Imagine dark sea diving points that are swarmed by ALPHA WHITE EYES