Sebastian Desperately Tries To Retain His Collection, A Speculative Complaint About Recent Additions

I think this can be it’s own topic, instead of being in the RFAO. I might just copy and paste though if it’s not supposed to be here and I get in trouble for it I guess.
Vetex I have 0 hate towards you, you’re a gigachad for soloing this game but allow me to have my say in this.

First off, a question. what is an RPG?

It’s a roleplaying game, where players can roleplay as a character they create, whether it be a battle-meechant or a fisherman-mage. It’s up to them.

One important part that plays in “roleplaying”, I believe, is the outfit people like to dress in.
The hairstyle, the clothes, the accessories, the colors. There are people who want to wear a blue fishbowl on their heads and goof around as a Beserker File, or any other file, and now they can’t cuz their “fishbowl” is now a dull grey giant marble on their heads that doesn’t go well with the Sunken Iron Set the’re trying to flex to their friends.
There are people who just want to jump into action when they get into the dark sea and Light Rams help with that. Well not anymore, now their stuck with a Hammerhead Ram that’s not that fast.
There are collectors, such as myself, who are just trying to see the work Vman himself put into designing each of the 52 arcspheres. If you copy and paste this into the search button
in: :money_with_wings:-marketplace mentions: ItsMooseNuke#4981
you’ll find more than this amount of people who enjoyed collecting these varianted items.

It’s not just about the stats man, we “roleplay” for a reason.

Second Question: Do people actually use Wood?

No, be honest. I’ve only every seen 4 wood users in the game, one of them even changed their magic to water, yes it was a second magic.

A small chat about metamancing, a… feature that every game has.
Let’s say wood gives defense, which it probably will as it’s a hard, solid magic, now we compare this with a confirmed defense magic, Earth. Wood has x0.1 synergies, including burning, corroding, and other heat based status effects. Earth, has many x0.1 synergies, and a x0.15, and higher ones. Let’s say our second magic is a bleed causing magic, which Earth has a x0.15 synergy with, unclearing the effect. We’re not talking about “magics” right now so I’ll leave it there. Currently, we do not have any “natural” power-defense items in the game. One way to think about these items is that they, are a direct level up, as leveling up makes you stronger and hardier.
Lets say this Earth Glass build gets an earth arcsphere, that’s a few levels already, whilst normally let’s say Calvus gear does not give 54 extra defense. It needs another enchant. This makes building into power and defense much more effecient than any other stat, creating a “meta”, most effective tactic available. There’s no reason to build into other stats, it’s just not worth the 36 extra atkspd when you have 50+ defense on a natrual item already. And there are 5 of these “natural” power-defense gears.

Okay maybe you want light, holy light, alright.
I think Light may either give atkspd, or agility, so I will write senarios for both.
Light is very powerful, being the fastest, it also comes with the best PvE Ram for ships. With atkspd, it’s light conjurers, they are fast. Now they’re faster, and anyone who has fast fingers and hates endlag is going to use this build, and boy are there so many players with fast fingers, how do you guys even do that.
Agility, the zoner build, pair this with 2nd magic placed crystal explosions and you get a placedshockwave-snare-surge combo with the fastest zoning you will ever see with that teleport reflex. Yes all this with just one magic, light. PvE players may also use either light builds for it’s convenience.

My personal favorite, clouds.
Not rain clouds, magic clouds, and they’re just so exauhsted of oxygen you’d suffocate in them and take 26 damage per tick sitting in that large purple mass with 10 graphics on. You could say that is the Aereus Set’s job, but what about the extra 2 slots, maybe a sunken helm? And here comes the last straw, an archaic/sandy poison/ash arcsphere that may give intensity or size, either way your character and your laptop are busted.

Let’s list those down.
5 magics, some other builds that could go by are shadow-related, ice related, fire-related, magma possibly, water-not-fighting-styles, explosion mage, lightning possibly, crystal-related. 8 total.
The rest? I have my doubts
If acid gives size, same situation with water. If it gives intensity like the DoT it does, you’re screwed.
Metal? It’s pure damage but it doesn’t synergize with bleed anymore, and it’s too slow, besides you have 2 magics so mught as well use that second mind.
Plasma, it’s a faster, smaller fire so maybe.
Sand, don’t get me started on this it blinds people and “Sandy” legit gives intensity.
Snow, you could argue that its “soft solidness” well give it its spot in the defense category but if it gets intensity just think about all those snow sailors you’ve seen in your 500 horus of gameplay.
Wind? well I wouldn’t mind an extra high elevator.
Wood, I’ve explained this already but it’s extremely unpopular plus there’s placed explosions so speed between it and earth doesn’t really matter anymore.

I thought these magics were worked hard on, I think you can hold some pride and try to make people use them.

Third Question, I thought the game was supposed to be “freedom-ish”?

This is more of a personal opinion on what I think I’m getting, and what I’m actually getting. There’re many “RPGs” that have betrayed this expectance anyways, with that specific set of gears and specific passive abilities from said set.
Ok we’re not talking about that, this is about the 52x4 items currently in the game. Ever thought why Metal had to be “Metal”, and not something else that is not metal, but “Fast Metal”. People, especially kids, like to imagine stuff, and this game has extremely high potential for letting kids roam free with it. All the creating spells, combat techniques, x20 ora ora rushdown. It’s free.
Now what does this have to do with a collection of 52 randomly colored balls a specific developer worked hard to create? Well, since everything’s free and democratic already, why not keep it that way, for another 10 months and even more to come. This has been here to TEN MONTHS, and now suddenly-
“hey guys let’s change all your balls hehe lol tha guy screwed pfft xd”
You get the point, I haven’t seen a game snap their fingers and change an entire mechanic that’s been around for 10 months upside down, yet. You could even argue that entire bundles of sunken sets were wiped due to a particular stunt I’m sure everyone remembers, and many complaints were filed.
Please no more of these stunts, people are really going to quit if they continue and all their items suddenly go poof and empty air. Can’t we dress up? Can’t we have fast metals?

Unhindered Stat Allocation
And here’s the argument, amulets. They are powerful, the trello literally says “an amulet would be neccassary in a build” and it’s very logical, in a sense that you have an extreme amount of one stat and little adjustments in the other. But what if I don’t want extreme stats, just small, equal adjustments to each.

Here is a comparison with an atkspd amulet and an arcsphere. The stats are very extreme with the amulet, topping at twice the amount of a brisk scroll. What if I already had around 100 atkspd and wanted to just peak it at 150, perhaps an atkspd magic arcsphere could help with it, maybe adding a bit
more to the 36, an wear it on my Earth Metal mage. They could just use defense gears, but it just doesn’t suit their play style, they may want a “Faster Shield”, they want something that can balance out the slow speed just enough. Same goes for smaller magics and people who want just enough size, and not too much size.

Players enjoy min-maxing, especially after we’ve had so many “mods” like scrolls and modifiers and jewels added.

Fourht Point, How exactly do magic stats work

Something a bit more simple this time. You know how Earth Rams have different stats to Metal Rams, if this extremely detailed system is the same for this new feature, these builds are going to be so locked you wouldn’t believe it. Metal Paladins running around with the dumbest pseudo vatrachos set with 0 drawback. Light conjurers are gonna become like those anime katana moves, ya know, fast as hell.
Even with simple stats like +54 defense for all solids or +6 power for all power magics, you’re still a bit limited as some magics are just “better” than others in many ways, and there’s no reason to just destroy all our collections just to input this simple mechanic, even with fighting styles, technically a thermo user could wear some real heavy irn boots right?

Fifth Point, this isn’t about the magic right?

Cataclysm… cataclysmic consequences
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Hello, Vetex’s brother! Hope you’re having a nice day.

Back to the point, if you search thsi in vetex’s server
in: :money_with_wings:-marketplace cataclysm
you may find a few trades(and maybe troll trades I guess), I do not think these are fake, and are indeed real trade offers, whether people actually did those, I’m not sure, as the one man who has the highest amount of headlesses I’ve heard of only has around 60 and I doubt they’d trade for something this pointless, coming from an element collector.
Now, someone mention a piece of gear gives 70+ power, if this is a normal item players can get, meta hell. If this is the item, then those few normal players who traded this item would have a button for one of those Korean ICBMs, the really long range ones. And that is bad, so why not delete every single magic and make everything equal-
No it does not make everything “equal”, this is denying the efforst of perhaps maybe 3/10ths of the community who tried to play the game how they wanted, by collecting stuff. A solution for this I dare propose is to ping everyone in annoucements, tell everyone that any normal player who owns a cataclysm bracelet will have it terminated, and have the option to re-trade it back to the mods or high ranking official in the team. If they traded with another player, for some weird reason, they could send a screenshot, proof of the trade, to the moderators and hopefully work things out with all 3 parties, the trader, buyer, and mods.

Remember these items? They have one thing in common.
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If I daresay, thsi change feels like it only had a few days, or weeks of preperation if this change was “suddenly” added. If I daresay, Vman can code things to be untradable, and instead be delivered. Now here is the paradox.
Q: Why suddendly decide to destroy everyone’s collection.
A: It’s probably to take out the possibility that a few players may have the advantage of having a cataclysm bracelet.
Q: Why is having that special bracelet an advantage?
A: It gives stupid stats.
Q: Why does it give stupid stats?
A: Because magic affinities now exists.

In the trello, arcanium weapons were explained to be able to bind to a magic like conjurers’ imbuements.
Dare I ask the next question.

Q: If magic affinities were planned, why haven’t we heard of auto-converting until now?
A: Maybe it’s a new feature thought up recently.

Maybe I’m just being paranoid but let’s say Vetex get’s the idea of magic affinities, very good feature, I’m sure everyone here thinks so, makes things more magical. Then he remembers that some of his team actually trades away their cataclysm bracelets for other stuff.
Now what? Those players are going to have a big advantage. So he decided to code in, or will code in, an “auto-convert” system. This way no player will have a cataclysm bracelet, and he won’t have to do much work, maybe a few tens of lines of code, hypothetically easier than waiting all day for someone to inform the mods they paid an insane price for a little cosmetic not meant for them.

I mean cmon 99 headlesses for a cataclysm item? I thought yall were better than this.

My Paranoia, you don’t have a personal grudge against me do you.

Okay I have done very stupid things in my life, including killing low levels when it was still like 1 week from early access, or accidentaly stealing that staff meant for a special someone… sorry.
So I made this video about Vetex wiping our gems and how to exploit it and I sure hope he wasn’t offended by it.

Actually I doubt he’s even heard of me, how prideful of myself…

So you get it now, I hate this change. I’m chill, but I hate it.
Therefore I’ve come with a demonstration(I sure sound like a political protester), with some magic-logic that may or may not be lore accurate.
The next wall of text is not a suggestion, it’s an article to decide whether I make this a suggestion, hold your goku memes.

Someone suggested that the bracelets can just be converted only when you equip them

If you’re reading this, I hope you don’t mind me borriwing this.
With that said, how about this. I imagine magic as something that can be “pushed in and out” of our bodies, or in this case, arcanium items. Which will let our character not channel magic into the elemental bracelets they’ve created. Since we can “charge” magic, why not “isolate” it. We’re all level 125 now so I think it should be possible.

“If you don’t like the look of your armor but still have to wear it for stats, you can use the vanity slot to disable the looks of the armor.” - AO tip(wording may be different)

This lets us wear arcanium bracelets in our vanity slot, without changing the element, logically. We could then wear let’s say a shadow bracelet, as I use a shadow build, in our stats slot for whatever stats they give. This is their suggestion.
My suggestion is that we have a prompt, like with scrolls and sealed chest items, jewels, the like. The prompt will ask us whether we want to change the magic of an item. There’s holding shift to show substats, so why not have an extra hold/press H to override, switch, or unbind elements, like imbuements.

Just make incorrect elements un-equippable

Another thing that came up on my doorstep is someone asking that why can’t we just make elemental accessories that do not match yours equippable. This is a very good substitute, and systems like these are already in the game. Remember trying to equip 2 amulets, dear WoM users? Or how about trying to equip 2 daggers, I’ve certainly tried it, all I got was a notification saying i cannot equip 2 light bladed weapons. With this you wouldn’t have to worry about people eqquipping cataclysm in their stats slot, whilst they can show it off.

With both these ideas, here’s my proposal to change this auto-converting nonsense

  • Keeping an element in, no magic leakage whatsoever.

This would let us continue to equip other elements in our vanity slot, we’re not newbie mages/magic users anymore, surely we can control our flow of “mana” and not anything get pushed in or out.
This can be used for outfits, flexing, showcases.

  • Alignment/Imbuement

I don’t think vetex expects us to trade and item back and forth over and over again just to change a single item, it’s not logical considering you have a “trades completed” stat in your namecard most likely used to catch exploiters or whatever it’s for.
With this feature, hovering H, or whatever button Vman decides with will let us change, push out, or unalign a magic. Yes I said push out, if you’re that desperate. But I don’t think it’s neccessary!
Change elements to try out other stats cheaply.

  • Equip Blocking

With all 52 arcanium items now in our wardrobe, or our shipyard, we now know we’re not supposed to equip the wrong elements in our stats slot, Vetex told us the hrad way by telling us that converting bullsh- arghhhh!
So just diasble them, you’ve done it before! If we really aren’t suposed to have fast metal magic then just create a notification saying “You can’t equip an item not of an element you use” when clicking on the wrong element, and then we would just go ahead and choose the one that we have alignments with.
Disables players from “using” developer items.

Okay, so that’s the complaint, it took 3 days to type all this. If any of you want to tell me why all this is not a good idea please create a concrete reason that’s perferably more than 3 sentences. I’ll read them, and perhaps create a new reason why I should be able to keep my 52x4 items in tact.
I’m not the best and writing essays, so please make do with my somehow speech-format article. Thanks for understanding!
Remember, hold your goku memes, I know very well what goes where.


I will read this… later-
in the mean time have my highest award: Like and bookmarked


My poor double amulet build.

The auto converting is definitely an issue for people in your situation, and I really don’t know what the best solution would be.

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Can’t wait for the arcanium set meta! Some magics are MORE EFFECIENT than others on it, they don’t give different stats, but MORE stats, (Metal Arcanium Set outclassed sunkens) apparently it’s being nerfed tho

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u got info?

Yeah, but apparently Metapoly balanced it all out thankfully, Arcanium Arcsphere currently allready outclasses sunken helm in maingame tho. Apprently even post nerf Arcanium Set will outclass Sunken’s slightly in effeciency, while also giving power wich is now more valuable than defence

Did meta or another tester mention stats somewhere like the rfao or smth

was in balancecord, some guy asked about it ask meta answered

fr was this change thought out at all?


Bro set off the yap alarm


As soon as I read this line, I knew this would be one journey of a post

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what exactly do u mean

only testers have cataclysm items
testers arent immune to rules. if they somehow have a cata item and have it equipped as a main item, we will just delete it from their inventory

meta shit will always be an issue regardless of what we do. vet wants you to pick your magic, stick with it, stick with whatever youre doing, and grow a connection to it (i think. im not vetex so i have no idea whats going on in that head of his). special stats depending on your choices further increases this feeling, and people might actually start using magic vanity thats of their actual magic rather than something random

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“Cataclysm item detected, obliterate this fool.”

OP’s attempt of a joke with the context that you just made a long essay for something “inconsequential”

This peeves me so much to see a well structured essay be replied with “guh phd in yappology” This really downplays the situation (enforcing meta magics that will decrease the use of other magics, drip getting limited, and your collection getting destroyed like alexandria) and overall just isn’t adding anything other than mock it. That jokes only works when the topic is just stupid.


… you’re joking right

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hold up i should mention this

it sounds pretty legit actually, with extra stats + treasure chart modifiers, you own’t be killing yourself with too much atlantean

yeah but shouldn’t they give less base stats to compensate?

ahh vetex what’s going on over there…
my collection’s suffering from it