Sebastian Desperately Tries To Retain His Collection, A Speculative Complaint About Recent Additions

was in balancecord, some guy asked about it ask meta answered

fr was this change thought out at all?


Bro set off the yap alarm


As soon as I read this line, I knew this would be one journey of a post

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what exactly do u mean

only testers have cataclysm items
testers arent immune to rules. if they somehow have a cata item and have it equipped as a main item, we will just delete it from their inventory

meta shit will always be an issue regardless of what we do. vet wants you to pick your magic, stick with it, stick with whatever youre doing, and grow a connection to it (i think. im not vetex so i have no idea whats going on in that head of his). special stats depending on your choices further increases this feeling, and people might actually start using magic vanity thats of their actual magic rather than something random

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“Cataclysm item detected, obliterate this fool.”

OP’s attempt of a joke with the context that you just made a long essay for something “inconsequential”

This peeves me so much to see a well structured essay be replied with “guh phd in yappology” This really downplays the situation (enforcing meta magics that will decrease the use of other magics, drip getting limited, and your collection getting destroyed like alexandria) and overall just isn’t adding anything other than mock it. That jokes only works when the topic is just stupid.


… you’re joking right

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hold up i should mention this

it sounds pretty legit actually, with extra stats + treasure chart modifiers, you own’t be killing yourself with too much atlantean

yeah but shouldn’t they give less base stats to compensate?

ahh vetex what’s going on over there…
my collection’s suffering from it

As long as the level ranges aren’t too absurd, it’s not that big of a deal
sunken armours are supposed to be able to be used throughout the whole game, so you wouldn’t need to bother getting any other sets as long as you just upgrade it every 10 levels
but it would also not make sense that armour that’s obtainable pretty early game is the best for the entirety of the game, even if it’s one of the rarest armour sets in the game

in the short term, arcanium items might be better than sunken, but after a certain level they will begin to fall behind again since you can’t upgrade them forever.

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Just a list of questions:

  1. How does testers have cataclysm items, if all arcanium items are going to be reconverted to their owner’s magics?

  2. There is absolutely no proofs and no reasons to believe, that testers won’t use 1 cataclysm item in their stat builds for a small buff. They most likely will hide it under their vanity and its will be impossible to prove that they are not using it or removing it at the end of session.

  3. (I would have believed the testers if there weren’t videos of some of them showing extremely aggressive behavior towards other players and even low levels. Why? Because without these actions they had no motivation for using it)

The second confirmation was after that lemme find I later

so you see,

Not possible and never will be, so not a concern.

If we do suspect a Tester somehow abusing a loophole of sorts to equip it, we have the tools to investigate anyway.

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Funnily enough, the soon-to-be-added strength items don’t change on trade and just can’t be equipped by non fs users.