Sebastian Desperately Tries To Retain His Collection, A Speculative Complaint About Recent Additions

Well, it looks like you might have won

Gank won



On my way to make a vid asap.
Now I have to delay another idea…

swearing in good intent

Fuck yea lez fucking gooooo rahhhhhhhh no more conversionssss wooooooooo

(does equipping them include as vanity or)

it probably does include vanity

Prolly includes to reflect the lore tbh

I can slap one of my lightning arcspehres your way to test on nimbus’ release just so you don’t lose any of your collection trying to figure out if we still get vanity options.

Looks like I’ll be doing quite a few tests including the bracelet I’m about to send to my new Ayaka build

Vetex smiled upon sebastian

I’m honestly shocked Vetex actually saw the complaints and resolved this situation. Usually he is as stubborn as a brick wall.

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Yesssss praise Vetex we gonna conquer the seas with the no conversion change wooooooo 52x4 items lez goooooo

mfw when i accidently convert my shadow arcsphere and lightning arcsphere into light arcsphere when trying to replicate cataclysm color:

(you can do so, if before this change, by equipping an arcsphere in your stat equip and equipping another arcsphere in your vanity while making the stat arcsphere visible)

So shadow and lighting makes a pseudo cataclysm… I’ll remember that ty

what’s the x4?

ngl, for the whole time i was playing WoM i had no idea u can do that

It was changed during WoM, so you might have tried once after it was removed

arcspheres, bracelets, cannons and rams.
52 of each

Vertexuedo is smiling upon us today

I think you should get the choice to whether convert them (so I can have equinox weapons)