Second game for sunken iron legs + 1 armored + 1 agile + 1 brisk + 1 powerful + 1 hasty (ENDED)

guys did i miss it

bro if diablos won then why can we still play it and why did you not list him as the winner

Because ur fat

oh was this the second event oops


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diablos got the reward as well for being the second winner
I won for being the first
sock won for being the third
so I gave rewarsd to them and myself


bruh I wish that was me

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Shouldve won and not complained…

Ill be updating the game and adding more hideious shit for more rewards

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Why you advertising it everywhere :sob:

no need to…

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no one’s replying tho

be patient


it’d be good to force r6 on people who play so they can do the trick at the end then

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Im gonna do that soon