Second Week of Discussion 2: The World, Worldbuilding, and the Environment

Forums! Welcome to the second day of the Second Week of Discussion. Today our topic is on Arcane Odyssey and a topic that I personally enjoy talking about, worldbuilding!

I’ve already made a topic detailing a few of my own views on how Vetex presents AO through the medium of music and characters What I think Vetex needs to consider. (AO's World)

However I want to know what you think about this sort of topic.
Remember the rules and have fun discussing!

A few discussion ideas

  • How the world is presented in AO via Character?
  • ^^^ via music?
  • ^^^ via lore?
  • ^^^ via the environment/
  • What do you dislike about AO’s world?
  • What do you think needs elaborating more or adjusting?
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story, vetex needs to make us to see argos, carina, maybe forshadowing maria by some bronze sea pirates talking about her, julian too, they come, they attack u, no build up imo

the hints also dont help, like i am suppossed to figure out who the bason is? from all that ik any ravenna guard can it be, we hadnt meet argos, hadn’t any interaction with him, why should i care or even try, now sure some bosses like shura or elius are fine the way they are, for elius we atleast expect something, like hey there are hooded figures doing shit and stuff, i would say elius is more of a environmental foreshadowing, but carina??? julian??? they just come and add nothing, u dont know them, u dont know anything about them, they just exist to continue the story and imo that not good character design

what would i propose is early in to be tasked to go in ravenna, meet argos, julian, carina maybe the king, maybe there is some important thing happening in ravenna, get to talk with them, maybe work with them a bit (argos or carina quest), maybe let julian aid us so we actually see his power, let us actually know them so it doesnt feel like “rando number 45 comes to advance the plot”, and im sure we will see some of them in the future or atleast their effects, but it will never have the same impact as it could had it if we actually knew them

so many small islands, please vetex add more big islands


This would fit so well after Frostmill. We get invited after saving them, then when we’re going into the quest called “Ravenna’s Secret” our only thought really is "Those guys? They were quite nice, I didn’t see anything wrong with them. "

  • How the world is presented in AO via music?
    The music in AO is peak, but it does lack some of the charm world of magic had, which made the world feel magical and mysterious. AO music gives a sense of adventure but it doesnt feel all too magical.
  • How the world is presented in AO via lore?
    I am THE lore nerd for ao and i love the lore alot. Many people complain about it, saying its full of “plotholes” or whatever, but the bronze sea story was made intentionally vague considering we just woke up with amnesia and we dont really know what we are doing
  • How the world is presented in AO via the enviornment?
    The environment for the most part fits the theme of a magical world, with the addition of sky islands and a few others making it all feel unique and truly a world of magic, some islands are just kinda eh but thats because they are likely too small or too empty
  • What do I dislike about AO’s world?
    Only thing that I question is how on earth we were able to beat people like Argos and Calvus, I mean they both outstat us in pretty much everyway and i get that Argos was getting old and Calvus was a savant but even then its a little weird
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Honestly, I don’t think the story really develops any of the characters too much. There’s too much happening at once, which is fair given Arcane Odyssey’s theme, but I want moments where we are with the characters and are given more of an opportunity for deeper dialogue.

More character and/or worldbuilding driven parts of the story would most definitely make everything feel more alive. Not filler, but very similar to

The story should be a little longer for character development and buildup, and we should get more important side quests that reveal a bit more lore about the world, their respective nation, or their faction so we get invested. I like what they’re doing with the Nimbus Sea atm, it’s a step in the right direction.

I want to be a little idiot learning about whatever silly situation I am in, through bits and pieces found along the way.

(so sorry i am not good at putting my thoughts into words)

Too many characters including Iris and Morden feel so bland when you talk to them. I can get why you might not want to focus on giving random citizens a personality but atleast give some to the main cast man :’ (

I really love the ruins that are scattered throughout the world, but the fact that only a few of them are explained (Akursius Keep’s and Munera Garden’s) really feels lacking.

What happened to the Port Mistral arcanium study? It was visibly left untouched by Keraxe’s army, so one must wonder about how it fell to ruin.

What about Wind-Row’s island assassin syndicate branch? It clearly was wealthy with how many buildings it had, yet there’s no hints as to what could have caused its destruction.

Why did Mount Othrys’ explorers die in either the Titan Caverns or at its summit?
Disregarding how Poseidon’s temple was built, what happened to the civilisation that created it? There’s no traces of any.

There’s so many unknowns that aren’t explained and are instead taken for granted that it doesn’t feel as if we’re encouraged to think about it, an example of that would be Cirrus Island’s magic-cloud fallen study, and the Djin Ruins’ reason for existence: The game just tells you to accept their lack of context as is, as if nobody bothered to be an archeologist despite the visible opulence of the world.

i dont expect vetex to ever achieve any of this, but atleast the aa webcomic does