Second Week of Discussion 5: The Story

speaking of which, this sums up everyone who nitpicks the lore for no reason

this unfinished story has plotholes! actual dumbassses the lot of them


So it is is a non-concept!
How does this even happen :sob:

“Erm, the game isn’t finished yet, so it’s okay for it to be shit!!” kind of mindset, this has nothing to do with what I’m talking about.

im not talking about the game im talking about the story, and it doesnt just apply to you its to everyone

so it does when it doesn’t :sob:, I’m not going to comment more on this (it will be a derailment)

Awakenings still exist they just only give boosts of power that work as a moment in the game for the player to unlock new abilities. There is a statement saying that from Vetex, but it’d take me a second to find it(These random statements are a problem but separate from what we’re talking about so I don’t want to get into them).

Unless non-concept means something other than “thing that doesn’t really exist” in which case ignore what I said previously and explain it to me.

Hmm… I think thats from an old screenshot. I think I saw Vetex say that too, but newer statements seems to say theyre no longer canon?

I don’t think it was that old, pretty sure it came out after or around that thing you posted, I dunno I’ll have to find it, but I’m pretty sure Vetex is really just referring to in game awakenings in that quote. If he isn’t then I’m not sure what was going on in the entirety of the chapter where the MC was trying to get the awakening.

Man, Vetex when will you be straightforward with the lore for once… I was willing to tolerate it, but Im actually reaching my limit for once :sob:

Clearly writing as he goes lmao (with the lore and stuff)

I liked the early stages as while you don’t have many moves you feel really imersed and it is interesting, just feels like regular enemies don’t have any attacks though. enemies are kinda an issue throughout the game.

Later stages are kinda eh. big island, but the story isn’t build very well IMO, not until nimbus at least. argos was peak and nice though.

Nimbus is really good as it has its big peak introduced immediately, the war. We can expect a war and some nice fights. Maria is pain for some builds, namely glass canons with lack of range. The story is built pretty well here.

Vetex can do what he wants, and he has shown to already improve

Predictions. Going off my guess something is going to happen to mordon, something fatel. skyhall is likely going to lore drop our legacy and put us through a trial. Iris might improve her skills and awaken a second magic, which would also be lost or maybe even ancient due to her being an anomaly. that or the order kidnaps her

I think overall he does have a plan for the story of the game, but yeah power system stuff and some specifics change a lot. At least when he starts writing the books in a decade he’ll be forced to make up his mind or else nothing will ever make sense.

Im gonna expect a lot of differences in his book. Since a lot of things might need to be adjusted for the story to work well as an official novel

during vimir development actually

Oh fr?

yeah surprisingly, but i dont imagine they will be published for a long while still

Wait what

I do think I have a higher tolerance for the changing nature of it, to me its like we’re in a playable rough draft. Its not exactly like that, but it’s clear he’s in a stage where he’s really figuring out what he wants to do with the details and so long as there are no terrible changes I’ll be fine. The only change that I really didn’t like was the spirit energy level = magic ability, but it seems Vetex didn’t like it either cause he reversed it in a message, so I’m chill again. I can definitely understand the frustration though.

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Yeah, I understand too. Vetex still seems to be figuring out the story and I personally have no problem with that. Just like how an artist works with their art, you can only start seeing flaws in your work after already making the picture and so you improve it, which I can perfectly understand here. Its better than leaving story consistent yet terrible and no improvement lol

Its just that… it gets frustrating at times when trying to understand the lore at this current time lmao.

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Oh shoot, I forgot to make the forum post on the new lore Vetex had (Darkshadow, you should know abt it right?)

Please do that I want to see that