Second Week of Discussion 5: The Story

Sorry that I’m a bit late today, but here’s the discussion topic for the fifth day of the second Week of Discussion. Today our discussion is on the story of AO.

The next story update will include two chapters and release with the Full Release update ~7 months from now. Before then though, let’s talk. Remember the rules and have fun. Second Week of Discussion Announcement

Discussion ideas:

  • Bronze Sea (First Chapters)
  • Bronze Sea (Latter Chapters)
  • Nimbus Chapters
  • What can vetex improve on.
  • Story predictions
  • Bronze Sea (First Chapters) 1-3

  • Bronze Sea (Latter Chapters) 4-5

Overall I really liked the bronze sea story, and while I understand why some people have complaints about it, the reason why so much of it is so vague and there are so many “plotholes” is because we literally JUST woke up with amnesia, we have no idea who we or anyone else is and so we just kinda follow along with what we think is the right thing to do

  • Nimbus Chapters
    We havent gotten much Nimbus story yet, and even though its quite short I still enjoyed it. Captain Maria is an easy but kinda annoying boss due to her iframes, but its really my only gripe with the nimbus sea so far, aside from chapter 7 being so insanely short

  • What can vetex improve on
    no idea im just gonna let him and tech cook

  • Story Predictions
    Warren is gonna fight Wotan near the end of the Nimbus sea story and its gonna be peak fiction


Retcon upon retcon… Gameplay mechanics that aren’t canon… The list goes on and on and increases as time passes.

The aurem-to-power system had its flaws apparently, RETCONNED!
Mutations could have been explained lore-wise, too complicated RETCONNED!
Awakenings could have been explained as well, it’s a gameplay thing though RETCONNED!

Also, why does lord elius have an endless supply of potions when none of the other bosses even touch them? I’d like to see some NPC canonically make use of potions

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Is there a way to explain the berserker awakening without making them sound like they’re stupid up until they achieve awakening?

No, but is it wrong to call the player character stupid?

I mean, they’ve only used magic/fighting styles until recently on top of having memory loss (hinted to be caused by a cerebral trauma by their awakening on Dawn Island).
I think it’d be pretty normal for them to be stupid (especially since it’s proven as they go out of their way to ask random people at Sailor’s Lodge for means to raid Fort Talos).

AO’s story is pretty bad in multiple ways, the plot is shoved onto you in huge lore dumps, the way certain characters are portrayed is kinda weird, and there isnt much follow through / consequences for most of what the main cast does.

I’d list examples but i dont really feel like making an argument rn (too much homework)

except for the fact that we started a war and a whole town was burned to ashes already


I just made a realisation a while back. Its very likely we’ll meet the other half of the gang in Skyhall (3 new people to the cast like we did in Bronze Sea), and most of the story might take place there due to shenanigans the MC gets into there.

Thing is, unlike Morden, Iris and Neviro, these new guys might not be aware that MC kinda… caused the war in Sameria? Theyre not in on it. Im really curious if theyll find out like, before they set out to help in the war, or if theyll be left unaware of it for quite a while.

Hmm, maybe the former knowing how MC is currently such a terrible liar that the group quietly agreed to let Morden do the talking at Sameria :joy:

Awakenings aren’t specific to the individual so if berserker awakenings worked in canon as they do ingame, every single berserker is stupid. Also even if the awakening was specific to the mc it still has some issues.

  • MC cannot remember two fs at the same time, but can remember everything else they’ve learned after waking up
  • For some reason getting an awakening helps with their amnesia problems, but it only heals it enough so they can memorize a second fs and doesn’t help with anything else.

It’s pretty clear that the amnesia is only really suppose to affect everything that happened before the story. Changing it so they have memory problems with stuff they learn afterwards just to make the berserker awakening make sense only really serves to complicate things and make some things make a lot less sense.

Also to cover all my bases and clear up on how the MC could still act stupid in sailor’s lodge without having continuous amnesia problems the MC having forgotten how to be tactful and secretive can still work with the MC forgetting everything before the story as they never would’ve relearned them.

And here I thought that you were referring to the quite obvious solution that is renaming ‘Awakenings’ to ‘Enlightenments’, making it knowledge and talent based instead of “random power up that occurs after you fight a bit and have peace of mind”.

the nitpicking is diabolical

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It could still work as a good character flaw too regardless of the amnesia. Its consistent as MC almost slips up when they revealed the group knew abt Calvus’ death, and how MC’s shown to have hints of hubris as a character trait in some places too.

You dont have to have amnesia to be like that imo lol (but it could be a factor)

I don’t think you have to either, but I wanted to propose something that worked more with the amnesia part for the sake of the argument.

I don’t know why you would think I meant that, nobody brought up this alternate version of awakening. Also tbh needing to achieve enlightenment in order to use a second fighting style doesn’t really sound all that much less stupid than awakening to learn a second one imo.

Well, it makes the protagonist sound stupid in general and is about awakenings, so I thought that it was about it since I’ve shared it at least twice.
Sorry for the original misinterpretation and being snarky about it, didn’t really mean it.

what do you even think is awakening though? To me it’s randomly earning a new power thanks to poseidon’s blessing, but that seem to be different from your perspective of it.

I dont think that was Awakening tho… from what Warren described, Awakening is supposed to be a natural thing, not some blessing from Poseidon. Poseidon gave us a part of his “spirit” it seems, and I dont think thats literally the Awakening itself per se. More like what wouldve triggered it.

You can still make Awakening “non-canon” while leaving that whole scene intact. It doesnt have to be related to Awakening.

True, but then wouldn’t that naturally fit with the story as is (especially with Shura and various other characters)?

This would mean Shura had Awakening, which he didnt (confirmed already)

Imbuing is actually a skill requiring mastery, and Shura was trying to do it from the get go, which is why MC was able to match him at the time, cause he hasnt gotten the hang of it (he just got magic recently)

Then what is awakening if not that?
From my understanding, it pretty much is the learning of something that you couldn’t do before, maybe it requires prerequesite knowledge or experience, but that’s the same for learning.

It’s starting to sound like it’s a non-concept at this point ;-;

Let me just pull something up…

I think if it werent a game, Warren would simply tell MC and maybe the others prepare for the war, which is why MC leaves for a quick while. Acquiring new skills, learning a new magic, dodge reflex, etc. (It explains the placement for Rill Hendix’s quest, as the quest itself implies MC is going around trying to get stronger for the war)

Eventually, they get called by Poseidon and the whole thing happens there.

No mention of “Awakening”, at least it wont be called that.