Selling Glitched/Unobtainable Items

Perfect Wheat - Cooking Wheat turns into Bread.
Five (5) left in stock. I’m keeping one.

Perfect Cooked Giant Banana - Cooking Giant Banana turns into Mistake.
Three (3) left in stock. I’m keeping one.

Price for either is one (1) Halloween Seasonal or any Sunken piece.
Why is it worth a Seasonal? Because this guy said so.
I’m also fine with other offers, mainly a bunch of cooking ingredients.


I respond to forum PMs and replies.
You can also message me on Discord (Ravencliffe#0001). However, I do not take friend requests so you’ll have to be in a shared server. (Example: Vetex’s Games)

If anyone does this youre weird :sob:

god damn this is the worst trade deal ever

at least the level 0 daggers were funny

it would be even funnier if I ate all of these

I mean this is funny and all but you’re not getting seasonals for em man

it’s wishful thinking. plus, even if I did get one, I’d just trade it off for a bunch of ingredients.
I guess I could just cut the middleman out and go straight for ingredients instead of seasonal/sunken

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