Semi genuine question

How does one build a community?

Or I guess a following?

As an “”“artist”“” (I say this in extremely heavy quotations because I’m still not quite the real deal) I’ve been trying to get, at least like a few new fans or people who appreciate my work but, nothing I do seems to work

this doesn’t just apply here, I recently joined newgrounds and I haven’t done much on that site yet but I do wonder how other creators on that platform got as big as they managed to.

So, I come back to my main question, how do you build a fanbase? or start your own following of friends and supporters?

you are

first step is to build up confidence and a self-esteem

your arts are good, stands proud

a mix of luck and society networking… both of which i sorely lacks and as such cant really help you, sorry

if you want my advices, interact with other artists and such, it seems to work in places like twitter

you dont really need to befriend them, just casual conversations work ( but please do not befriend an artist in hope of getting clout from them )

doing art trends and such work to because, as harsh as it might seems, just because you’re good doesnt always mean people are going to care or even see your arts due to how algorithm works, a shtpost that uses a popular trend will probably be more popular than something you spent hours on

and thats okay, several artists i know get popular by doing that and then expanding on their followings, some will leave and some will stay, just try to not get too disheartened when your followers drop

alternatively, join a fandom and draw for that, do take note that it will give a certain expectation to your followers who might leave once you decide to stop drawing for said fandom

theres another way but it has the same drawback as the above method so i wont be mentioning it here

You don’t have to lie to be nice y’know

I’m too nervous I might get called out for being a fraud or not skilled enough :sweat:

any good ideas on where I could learn how to social network?

So I should learn to figure out how to draw what’s trending to my advantage… :thinking:

i dont like lying, the only person i consistently lies to is my mother

unless they’re an a$$hole most artists dont tend to berate you if you draw bad, if anything they will give you advise on how to improve yourself

ive made like, 5 friends, in my 11 years in school

nope, sorry

pretty much yeah, good luck on that

of course, please do keep your mental health in consideration too, dont push yourself too hard~

Yikes, there’s a lot to consider if I want a following

but is it possible to get fame and recognition, through mostly just soloing?

because I have a bit of an inferiority complex and it makes me sweat buckets talking to other artists online (not that I’ve talked to many but I just want to grow a fanbase and nothing much else)

Very well, you’re good but you can still improve

Nah, I mean my siblings are both artists (so my standard has become unreasonably high) and yeah at some point you are quite less skilled, but it doesn’t mean you should think you are a fraud, stay humble but wise.

You could try to:

  • start asking around,
  • be embarrassed several times (the more you fall, the more you learn how to get up)
  • don’t be afraid of embarrassment and what others think
  • try doing commissions
  • you can start with the people you know.
  • let others critique your work

Just following the trend could just lead to your work being “cliche”. Don’t be scared of just sharing whats inside your head/heart.

possible, but success is never a solo project.

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possible but damn tedious

as i said, you will need luck so your arts can show up to others in the first place, which will be a lot harder if you do it solo

your best bet imo if you really want to do it without interacting with any artists is doing the art trends thing or draw for a fandom

it’s a hindrance to your growth

tbh i think ur focusing on the wrong thing here

yknow cuz i know u like swimming ill use it as an example. Lets say ur an amateur swimmer, and u already wanna compete and get recognition n stuff from around the world.

people arent gonna flock to you to watch you because you simply dont have the prestige or talent required yet

If you truly want to build a large following/audience you have to cultivate something that stands out from the rest of the competition first,

aka an unique art style or just draw well

So honestly I would focus on improving my skills and practicing daily if I were you and try to find my own style

honestly my main takeaway is just do your thing man. Dont try to focus on pleasing people too much with your art and gaining a following, it can become obvious and that makes some people get the wrong idea.

if you’re still dead set on gaining fame/audience then i’d begin by making tiktoks/shorts about the drawing process, taking requests, etc. they seem to be decently good at attracting attention

:fr: the denial is spreading

It’s hard to explain… like I know I put in the work to get where I am (which is still mid as hell btw) but I also feel like I kinda shouldn’t be here? again I might not be wording this issues out very well but it’s a feeling that creeps over me sometimes

I think I should just stick with algorithm exploiting because all of these involve needing others in some capacity (which is a resource I don’t quite have)

Ps. dont worry about the quality of your art. As long as you put effort into it, your friends and people will appreciate it in one way or another

well I got a good answer in 2 ways

-s*cial networking (daunting but necessary)

-the fabled algorithm

the trends will make up for my lack of social prowless fr

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Watch what you quote.
There will be consequences
Somebody told me to only spread good vibes.

My siblings are great artist and bro did i feel terrible not being able to draw as good as them, i felt like i was adopted or smth. i felt like shit, like a stain. But mom said that “What is art? It’s expression of what we have inside portrayed by our body.” and then i found out that im more of a physical artist. So try to explore in other fields, i mean it wont hurt ye?

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sorry :frowning: it will happen again

I don’t really know why I’m so obsessed with the idea of having amazing art, though I don’t think I plan on letting go of that belief anytime soon

I mean I know that being a pro artist isn’t really the only important thing, but damn it sure does help

it does ngl

form a cult in your image