Semi important lore question

are humans with animal/beastlike traits in the AU canon?

and I don’t mean like, atlanteans, I mean literal humans with animalistic features

like catgirls/boys, furries I suppose, foxgirls/guys etc etc

Why are you asking this?
I think cat and fox, possibly even wolf ears and tail are going to be added, until then you can use wolf bandit hood and cloak

If you count satyrs and centaurs then yes, they’ll eventually be added to the dark sea

Art project relating to AO.

Does that imply the existence of other half animal humanoids though? like things not from greek mythos?

and the big winner: can animal hybrids like that exist naturally in the sea clusters?

I doubt vetex would add other humanoids unrelated to Greek mythology

I don’t see why they wouldn’t exist naturally in sea clusters but sirens only appear in the dark sea so idk. Maybe they stick to the dark sea to avoid human populations?

hmmm, welp, that’s a shame.

Logically, if any weird animal combo arranged in any weird way with no clear pattern can exist in Greek Mythology, it’s no a stretch to have it in AO. Therefore no, but not for any disputable reason.

just do it, itll be fun

If it ain’t canon it ain’t pleasin’ Shannon

(No, I don’t know who Shannon is)

I mean
Bull human
Snake human (gorgons)
Snake human ver 2 (snake leg ladies)
Lion goat snake
Lion eagle human
Goat human
Horse human
Snake beast human (kampe)
Seal dog (telchines)
Scorpion lion
Big lion
Big snake
Dog ver 2 (orthus)
Dog ver 3 (cerberus)
Bird human (harpies)
Bird human ver 2 (sirens)
Did Greeks have a beef with snakes and lions?

I don’t care what else is added, there are no catgirls though, as Greeks mostly ignored cats in their mythology.(they did have cats though so CAT CREW IS CANON LETS GOOOOOO)

the guys on windrow island

Since AO encompasses other religions in a more fictional way, Anubis could be canon as a diety.

Yeah but that’s not relevant Anubis isn’t a cat. Are you thinking of Bastet?

Well I wasn’t talking about cats in this instance, because as you know, Anubis is not a cat.

So then how IS Anubis relevant?

Canon furries, duh.

looks at pfp yeah biased info doesn’t count, also Anubis may be canon as a fictional deity, but considering this is literal Greek mythology with the Greek afterlife I don’t think he’s canonically physically existant like the other gods are.

What does one call Harpies and Sirens though?