You might’ve seen @amiuri 's new ship builder to replace the old one that got shut down. and I’ve been going mad playing around with it. So, here, you can send your ship builds!
I have three that I will suitably be switching between. If you have advice for me or each other, feel free to discuss that too!
My planned future builds (not including weapon stats because that doesnt fit):
This will likely be what I use for naval warfare
This is for when I need to get places quickly
This will be my standard build for general gameplay
My actual build that I use
The maximum durability one that I occasionally use
This one
And then this secret illegal one that isn’t possible in game but is instead an issue with the website
Here’s my normal build. To go faster I don’t have any weapons except for a ram, which can easily destroy weaker NPC ships (the damage is enough to one shot sometimes). Generally there’s absolutely no need for 20k+ durability or high firepower and honestly I just want to get the sailing done faster.