Seperating Defense from HP

Seperating Defense from HP
effort 3.666666666666667 9 quality 4.125 8 reasonability 4.5 8

Honestly, I think defense should be resistance, not hp because being able to regenerate armor doesn’t make much sense.

Defense related items/enchants overshadow literally everything else which is a problem with balancing.

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Yes. Buff spears. Make them greater

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defense shud just reduce the damage you take.

You know I always wondered why doesn’t the defense stat in certain games reduce the damage you take form players and npcs rather than increasing your health :thinking:


ahh i see.

thanks now i understand but.
wouldnt it to much work to separate those things?

why not just buff everything else?

like. defense still be relevant. but other items/enchants too

buff hydra

So make defense basically a second HP bar that regens slower? Am I missing something? Or is it more akin to traditional RPGs where it reduces the amount of damage taken?

First thing

It would take 10 lines of code at most, it’s just making a certain % of the hp bar blue with a divider and slightly changing the regen formula.

Why buff 5 stats to make 1 relevant when you can nerf 1 to make them all relevant

(Assuming knockback is getting changed)


I like defense.

I approve of this as a Glass Cannon.

because as you said:

buffing 5 stats would be modifying existing code instead of writing new one.

im not an expert at programming but i think bugs will be easier to fix in a modified code you already know than in 10 lines of new code.

i mean. bug fixes are a big part of programing…

False, to buff every other stat Vetex would need to change the log formula for every one of them to better accommodate what they are and even then certain things would never be used.

This would be much easier to implement but only solves a short term problem


I just realized you’re probably a full Hard Wizard or Hard Sunken metamancer using Water, please refer to this

lets get 90 votes bois

as a glass cannon i approve

dont believe me if u dont want but im not

(my inventory is not loading. sorry. this never happened before)

these are my only rares

proof that inventory isnt loading

this is my ONLY file

dont believe me if u dont want to.
i dont know why my inventory isnt loading. i know it sounds like an excuse but it isnt

EDIT: forgot to say. normally im good rep. im bad now because im farming boss drops