Shadow Elemental: The Owl

Part of the Magic Elementals (Open Art Collab) series! If you, an artist on the forum, would like to join in let me know!

  • Credit to @Rlka for the color palette!

Process Video (music may be loud):

Bestiary Entry

Native to Northern Keihatsu territories, the Shadow Owl is a notorious and prolific hunter that will silently stalk both people and its prey: the Moonlight Rabbit. The Owl’s feathers are colored so darkly as to blend into the moonless, starless night that the presence of a full moon makes them significantly easier to spot against the bright light of the moon by the Moonlight Rabbit, who also rely on their hearing during times of complete dark.

To the Keihatsu, the Shadow Owl is a terrible omen, one often laden with themes of death. Their ominous “hu” means to dig a grave to the culture, and it is said that they only leave the nest after pecking out the eyes of their mothers. The Owls themselves have proven to be associated with a following disaster or tragic event for individuals whom they stalk, however the Owls become visibly restless and loud when such events approach.


Idk what word to describe it (my English sucks)
it’s cool and dark and I love it

(wish I didin’t spend my likes too much)

The owl fits really good with shadow magic for some reason. imo

Lol, lots of good content all around, dw!

@TheChickenRun made a great suggestion about it, especially when considering the Light Elemental is a Moon Rabbit

ooh, this one looks really good aswell

Water magic elemental is Shark please

Check the project layout if you want to know what the next Elementals are

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This is definitely one of the best ones yet ( well they are all good ) but it just looks so clean like all of them, well done man :+1:

Thank you! I love playing with this style and its simplicity makes it easy to make a lot at once

Looks cool but iron better be a giant gun history class taught me that guns are ancient so it makes sense.

can i make a fire pony

If fire pony why no water pony

what art program do you use?

I use Procreate for the iPad + Apple Pencil

For painting I use these sets
Aaron Giffin Brushes (Free)
Aaron Griffin Brushes (all of them)
Scale Brushes

For stylized humans I use the Sharp Inker set with a low pressure curve
Sai Brushes (free)

For general things like space stars or something like that I use the Duster brushes
Visual Timmy

Keep in mind I got most of these on sale

All these are absolutely beautifully drawn and executed so well as to perfectly fit their element! I’m lovin this series!

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Thank you so much! I’m honestly really happy with them, so I’m glad you (and so many others) are enjoying them so much!