Shame and insult anyone who participated in this post

you suck

you swallow

Oh look, it’s another newbie Lightning Conjurer.

… wait a minute.

off-topic but why do so many people have lightning as their first magic

Anyway, your PFP looks like the typical “Good boy” or “Heroic random guy” of most media.

ew lightning conjurer disgusting
anyways uh i cant think of an insult… youre spared whoevers above me

Ur a hypocrite and a lightning conj urself



Man get some DS chests

this build is so ass that I cant even insult zipher


Okay, I know I’m supposed to insult the dude right above me, but WHAT IN BLAZES IS THAT BUILD BROSKI? You have literally—and I do mean literally—no defense at all. And resistance is NOT a replacement. Nevermind players, you’re going to get beaten into the floor by NPCs. They can do upwards of 500 damage right now you know. You’ll be losing a limb to each attack, and dying in two.

I just looked at the build again and somehow it’s even worse than I though.

Less than 40 of any substat will do nothing for you. It’s not even a noticeable increase, or even a marginal one. There’s just no point to it.

Also, air capacity? **Air capacity??? I could even understand choosing swimming speed or climbing speed, rather than charging speed. But air capacity??? That’s the point of water breathing potions, my guy. They aren’t that expensive, either. Just some sea shells and seaweed. That’s it.

okay, this take is both good and ass at the same time. Having under or over 100% air capacity is a waste. under is literally useless, use waterbreathing. over is useless, just use 100% and you dont need waterbreathing potions ever.

I measure utility by how often a player would use a feature. How many times is the player going to be in a situation where they want to dive underwater but can’t make a water breathing potion (and thus would not be on their brig), and would not happen to have one in their inventory?

Also, using your value gem slots on something that can be done with potions seems like a bit of a waste.

it’s less of not wanting to make a water breathing potion, and in the long term saving reagents for more valuable things. Do I really want to spend rare and exotic reagents just to dive in really deep underwater structures, when I could just get like 5 musgravites and 25 auric seaweed, wait until I feel like luck 5 fishing and make the jewels after I use the potion. It’s more cost efficient and you can always just have them on a piece of gear you don’t use often (like a virtuous theurgist hat).

Like, a person who likes diving for sunkens instead of fishing or going for X sea diver. Outside of those scenarios, the water breathing gems are useless and I have no idea why this man is running them.

Fair enough. I suppose I was basing it somewhat off of how often I go diving (hint: never), and didn’t account for the fact that others may perform the activity more than I do.

I’d insult you, but this is an exception. That build is wild.

I love how we all collectively stopped shitting on each-other to redirect our efforts towards that unholy abomination of a build

Agreed. It seems like this dumpster fire of a community does have at least some decency after all.

Can I just insult everyone above me


You guys all suck

Except for Dub, Retribution, Nicky, Flare, Gamehero, Sock and Bio you guys are alright :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Other than that fuck everybody else


As a two hundredth reply, instead of insulting someone, I will say:

Y’all’re nice people. I’ve enjoyed my first week here.

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