Shame and insult anyone who participated in this post

data wipe:


At least your username is accurate.

made it that for a great reason


You look like ur pfp irl

@EYESOFTH is funnier than you

@HeyItsMaria makes better art than you

See, this is where I would generally insult someone, but I cannot bring myself to insult such a meal.

What in the actual caca is that gif

Tone deaf probably

Also what did I do

PS: nvm I made this post that’s what I did

Probably also tone deaf

I will never get over the embarrassment of belonging to the same species as you and everyone above

I’m not embarrassed of being the same species as you. I’m just… very, disappointed.

Not as disappointed as seeing you change your pfp to jjk because you tought that would make you unhinged

youre a cool n wonderful person

You are like an Opticalcord and prime whatwhole type of forumer

I say prime wheatwhole because he doesn’t do the same things as he used to but optical hasn’t changed at all and he’s the forum’s punching bag

You don’t want to be the forum’s punching bag do you

it might just be because of the 1 AM brainfog but I can’t think of any insults for you lmao