Shame and insult anyone who participated in this post

well uh crap

Ottoman empire was big as shit they spoke more than just turkish

It’s better to be big as shit rather than shit a big bee.

dont tells me this is where ww3 starts

ya MOST of them were turkish happy now

You are 99% of the obesity rate in the US

No, it had a population of 28 million at its peak and only 7 million were turkish

Bro really tagged Vetex??

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you don’t have to be turkish to speak turkish

Turkish speakers still weren’t in the majority because they conquered so much non turkish land so quickly

Still lost in 1683 tho

Peaked in the 1500s, only went downhill from there


ok well for most of the time it existed it was turkish

In the end it was mostly turkish because they lost so much ther were barely an empire anymore :fire::fire::fire::fire:

In the beginning

Your pfp if a yellow glob

Cool pfp actually

@realisticbanana made it


no wonder its so bad

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