Shame and insult anyone who participated in this post

Misinput’s alt

I am currently wondering why I posted here… uh roast me ig

You’ve given 2 likes over the course of your stay in the forum. For someone with a profile pic of Kirbo, you sure don’t spread the love of Jesus.

your pfp doesn’t even look at its magic out of shame for how basic it is

(doesn’t help the fact it’s blue lightning either)

You probably use purple acid.

I believe in Green Acid supremacy

thank you for acknowledging that I use the obviously better acid color

green acid eyestrain I feel bad tbh

People who use Acid to feel “unique” and then pick Purple are living versions of that Buzz Lightyear gif.

People who use Acid to feel “unique” and then pick Green are living versions of that Buzz Lightyear gif.

People who copy-paste the phrase “ People who use Acid to feel “unique” and then pick Purple/Green are living versions of that Buzz Lightyear gif.” are living versions of that Buzz Lightyear gif.

people who make references to the buzz lightyear gif are the androids in the irobot meme picture

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Green Acid is BRIGHT and WHIMSICAL. It looks more like ACID and is easier for my blind ass to see.

Purple Acid, on the other hand, is so common and dreary-looking. I get that it will never be Gamma Plasma, but it might not look like clinical depression if it was a little brighter.

shut up

Water is a drink. It’s the best one out there.

It’s actually the objective best drink. People who drink water are min-maxers.

Also, I see that you used to use ink magic. What an absolute nerd.

Ink is literally dirty water

What a bad take lol


ink isn’t just “dirty water” what on earth :sob:

some inks can sell for exorbitant amounts of money

I mean its like with diamonds. Kinda useless but looks fancy so people oveprice it

ink isn’t useless though :skull:

holy cow you are burning the kitchen