Shame and insult anyone who participated in this post

:frowning_face: now I sad


looked at the eclipse

havent cleaned your socks in 3 months

Goofy looking Roblox face pfp

built like a stickfigure

built like a Roblox character

Buddy I am not sorry for slapping you in the face with this but you got nothing to say about ANYONE’S profile picture while looking like 3 lines drawn on mspaint

why does everyone have to keep shitting on darkzoul’s profile picture?
i think the artist who made it must’ve been very good and hot and sexy and cool

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Yeah, let’s stop dumping on Dark’s pfp and start on yours.
You look like you’re unhappy that it’s peanut butter jelly time.

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do not let me catch you shitting on dubiouslittletyp0 ever again buddy

i cant hurt you, youre british and thats awful enough

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i have no insults for you banana


If you can’t even insult banana, what do you do with the rest of your life?

not insulting people

your pfp is me irl

laxative needer

laxative eater

who plays cards anymore smh