Shame and insult anyone who participated in this post

your lettuce may, depending on establishment


You’ve been on this forum for over a month and a half now, received 52 likes, and visited for 41 days. Yet in that time, you only ever left a singular like on someone else’s comment. One. Singular. Like.

call me harsh, but I’ve never actually seen you post art on the forum before despite you having the role :thinking:

being the “man of a million magics” isn’t something to be proud of. It just means you’re too bad to be able to actually do anything specific. “A Jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better then a master of one”, except in your case you’re not a Jack of all trades, you’re a toddler of all trades, and oftentimes worse than a master of one. You have ZERO proficiency in ANY sort of magic you might be capable of using. The moniker “man of a million magics” is something to be ASHAMED of.

you know

being a master of a million magics kind of just automatically makes me a mage

so, I kind of am by default extremely proficient at magic, if anything, not even the best mages in the actual canon of the AU could probably scale up to me. not even curse users would reach that kind of power.

and as for you, you are 100% carried by agility.

and I’m also gonna use my million magics: torture magic to make both sides of your pillow warm tonight

Nah, you forget that the more magic you learn, the weaker said magic gets. That’s why your second magic as a mage currently is super useless, since it’s too small to be used. And that’s just the second magic! Imagine the 50th magic, being smaller than a level 1 magic m1!

million magics: scale fixing magic


that’s not a thing, and your scale magic if it did exist would be too weak to even function


I have 1,000,000 individual forms of magic

some of those include things like traffic cone manipulation and the ability to literally ask Jesus for help on my math homework, of course some magics aren’t gonna be official real things.

also, statscaling magic’s entire purpose is to make it so every single magic of mine will be the exact same size scaling as my first mind. (which I have no idea what that is since I always swap around)

though that’s redundant in the big picture considering I probably have like thousands of other ways to get around such a measly problem lol

the issue with all of your magic, and it’s supposed ways of fixing itself, is that half of them are diluted by a 500,000th of what their normal effects would be

statscaling magic nullifies the effect entirely from any other of my magics. Don’t know why you just arbitrarily said that it would only work on half of them.

anyways, I dare you to run a build that isn’t above 6000+ agility.

I didn’t say “wouldn’t work on half of them”, I said that your statscaling magic has, on average, a 50/50 chance to be at 1/500,000th of it’s maximum power or even less, meaning all it can do is correct the magic that is weaker than it

statscaling magic has the side effect of not being able to be less effective so it automatically just makes everything else as effective. :sunglasses:

also who said I was a man of a million magics by AO’s logic? I’m probably the man of a 1,000,000 prisma abilities if anything but that doesn’t sound as catchy.

My insult for you is that you’re not even trying to hide your alts anymore, they’re just blatantly obvious

we found rb1 again boys, take him away

Fair enough. I don’t do much AO art (or art in general, I’m a lazy bum). I’d try to do more, but

A) My art style is horrendous

B) It takes ages to make

you suck

hi rb1

the obituary