Shame and insult anyone who participated in this post

Water is literally the best drink in the world, what are you getting on about?

Bro repeated an already used insult… unoriginal.

:eye: :nose: :eye:
:gun: :biting_lip:

nice selfie


Who’re you, v-man number 2?

You know what about a year ago I’m pretty sure I still thought you and Glitching were the same person. Literally no reason why.

Same thing happened for me with you and Multiversal lmao

We have reached mutual agreement that neither of us exist.

I thought you and Shellseawing were the same because ice dragon pfps

the z in darkzoul1234 stands for zesty

what do the d, a, r, k, o, u and l stand for

You are a knockoff peanut butter jelly time

atleast he is somebody

If I were you, I’d wish I was nobody

to acknowledge people like you as the unfuckable losers they are

this from someone who’s pfp is a roblox avatar.

an avatar… WITH ONE OF THOSE “face” MASK things

okay anime roblox face user

bro only knows talking about imaginary worlds, literally 99% of ur chat is yapping with flare while each other call pookies

your pfp is literally a star being violated you cannot be talking right now