Share details about your original characters

Caitlin can most def beat Sunny low diff

Sunny can fortify herself btw

(zomg this is literally a knight build character lol!!!)

Yeah but can she do it under a second

alright, so sunny might lose, but could catilin beat drazen?

(edgy fishman karate with spooky SCP inspiration)

Honestly it’s kinda instinctual so yeah

Sunny is technically a mortal human but she has a crazy OP ability that has been passed through her family for generations and gotten stronger with each new member

she wouldnt have time to react tho tbh, as somewhere later caitlin surpasses unimaginable speeds like the speed of sound as she is a unknown DUH!!!

She surpasses him in martial arts but not sure about the funny water

When catilin recognises the bodies in the water (uh oh)

How about UNIT

(mmmm yes goofy cyborg lightning absurd speed and bulk)

tell me about them

man i wanna write about my guy but feeling lazy

fuck it ima do it


The result of shady experimentation with powerful contraband technology from a morally ambiguous mega corporation, UNIT is a almost completely mechanical entity that barely resembles what it was in its life as a biological being, in fact, it’s body is so mechanical, it’s gender is completely unknown.

UNIT is a relatively average sized (compared to a human) mechanical entity that seems to have some feline features to it, such as conical metal “ears” that protrude on either side of its head. UNIT is covered in band-aids, UNIT puts these band-aids on itself, it’s still unknown why.

UNIT also has a unique signature antennae like object attached to the middle of its head, causing it to resemble what can be said as “a cartoon robot”, inspection reveals this antennae is completely cosmetic as was likely added as a joke or for some aesthetic appeal.

As for UNIT’s personality, I can say that It would probably be like zenitsu if zenitsu wasn’t a simp, just skrunkly, cowardly, and kind, but when push comes to shove, it unleashes a devastating force that mimics the wrath of the harshest of thunder.

UNIT has the ability to manipulate electrons. Normally, UNIT is unaware of this ability, only claiming it is good at tanking hits, and nothing else. But when UNIT’s life is in significant danger, it seems to change personality completely, it’s “eyes” take on a very serious disposition, and it’s voice changes from it’s normal quirky friendly tone to a serious, calculated, and precise robotic voice. This form is when UNIT is capable of manipulating electrons to form devastating energy attacks at blistering speed. It’s still unknown how or what allows UNIT to do this.


I forgot to mention but UNIT also goes in his serious mode if his friends are in danger

I didn’t expect this thread to see so much activity holy


Built like your average gym bro Don is 20-21ish dude who’s about 6’3 and always in a tanktop and grey sweatpants(he cant be bothered to change out of his gymwear), and most notably hes always wearing a steel helmet to hide a disfigured face he received in his backstory

Born and raised in Tiberia Don always had it kinda rough. Spent a lot of time working with gangs to live comfortably. Being a strong dude and well respected, Don actually kinda had things going for him, until one eventually mutliple gangs though of him as a threat. They found him in his sleep and just as he was waking up from the noise they rushed him with weapons. They all just got around him and started fucking him up. He was able to push pass them and run out his front door. He knew he would never be safe in Ravenna again, so he stole a Ravenna ship and head out to sea. Not knowing where he’s going, he ended up drifting upon the forest of cernunno, where he met another one of my ocs and thats a whole nother thing.

Hardened by the streets of Tiberia Don is kind of an aggressive dude, untrusting, and quite a dick to anyone he decided he doesn’t like in the first minute of meeting them. With his friends though he’s a pretty chill dude and likes do 0.1 GPA activities with them. But still with his “jokes” he’s still kind of an asshole

When it comes to abilities he has many, including but not limiting to: slapping the shit out of people. He’s a metal warlock that rarely uses his magic for ranged combat, he thinks its for pussies. He uses his metal magic to coat himself with it like haki or an iron man suit. All for better getting in and cracking skulls of course. He’s fought a lot but doesn’t really having a style due to lack of proper training. His lack of skill makes his main strategy using his raw strength, metal magic, and tenacity to simply overpower anyone in his way.

Love the guy and would totally draw tons of art of him if i wasnt piss bad at drawing

Oh yeah and he totally shits on your ocs (no offense his right hook is lethal)

hmmmm, not sure about this, also sorry for not responding it was because of school

lol it’s okay

here’s mine too

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Ill share some more on Raven.

Lore: Would’ve died at a very young age from a “curse” if not for help from “The Spectator”. Because of that Raven ended up outliving his family so his father, mother, “siblings?” and pets are all dead while Raven’s unnatural lifespan made him continue on. Well his family was loving and he had a good time with them.

Age: roughly between 1700 and 2300

Height: 5’ 10"

Personality: Sarcastic, carefree, extroverted.

Appearance: black hair, normal clothing. Doesn’t really keep care of his appearance not careing what other people judge him as.

Facts: Loves a good fight but hates killing. Collects a dragon scale from every dragon he has befriended. Plays multiple different instruments.

Abilities: Immune to any energy or magical attacks because of his curse. Additionally this means he can’t be benefited by magical effects. Additionally he doesn’t need to eat, just needs to absorb energy from the surroundings. Kind’ve like a “Void” for energy destroying it at whim or converting it.
Can decipher pretty much any language using a formula he created. This allows him to speak new languages (if poorly) after just hearing it for a bit.

well well well if it isn’t the nerd