Ship changes/Clan discussion

And guess what hunting entails? Stalking. A predator stalks their prey before going in for a killing bite, have patience or you’ll have no prey.


this is just plain stupid. Now everyone is roughly at the same speed, but the one who departed first can take your ship down because you’re sailing torwards them.

Just checked and its actually 25k, still plenty high enough imo but could be further increased to make a clearer difference between pve and pvp clans

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true i suppose, i would like to be able to hunt pirates without sacrificing my speed

because as we know PvPheads are all predators :nod:

Oh my god you HAVE to be ragebaiting, have you EVER been on the leaderboard :sob:

It’s stupid because it encourages ship battle wich was the entire point of that change???

well the solution is buffing them

i think this and making it to where killing people isnt worthless compared to islands would fix this

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You have to be SO entitled to say this stuff.

No, I HAVEN’T been on the leadberboard

Same with taking islands imo, heavily fortified islands are virtually unraidable while giving a messily 100 infamy

??? This is an issue that directly concerns the lb and he mentionned lb hunting you dimwit?

the bteam refuses to touch the balance purgatory that is potions

as if vetex ever listens to the bteam lmao

According to them they cba to balance overworld pvp when 99% of base balance get’s completely ignored anyways

i think infamy and clans as a whole need a lot of change but i doubt that will happen unfortunately

can you guys make another topic

When will anything happen? Parties have been broken for a YEAR, subclans can’t even SAVE BUILDS, there’s be gamebreaking bugs since WOM that haven’t been fixed.

hey stop the doomposting, we got immersive npcs!!!

this is discussion of full release patch notes what’s the issue

priority issue, how can i legally murder @yrni0