Should a few people get item restores?


this might seem crazy what i’m about to say

we give restores to people with valid video evidence
video evidence is much harder to fake

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I made jokes about Luck II/III at first but now I think they’re actually secretly busted. I only fished for an hour while waiting for my friends to reach Epicenter and I’ve already got 5 massive fish

You know what could help alleviate this whole ordeal? Locking sunken drop to only weapons for the whole easter event

i thought luck didnt influence the chances of getting legendary fish anymore? you probably just got very lucky

i wouldnt feel anything, i would be dead

It might work on size

Even then it might still have to be narrowed down. Mimhere suggested that the mod team might be willing to restore only 15 people

I’m convinced that they just don’t affect the chance of massive and golden on rare fish. They’ll still affect rare fish chance so in a way luck still increases the chance of legendary fish

i’m 99% sure that’s a joke

as someone who used to luck fish, you just got extremely lucky

(my work from all those days luck fishing just gone… i want my fucking sunkens back)

well I know it’s sarcasm, but he didn’t have to say 15 if that’s not what would actually end up happening

tbh I’m not opposed to your idea if they are willing to restore that many though

Oh no worries I’ll extend your suffering by letting you know when I’ll host my next Luck V fiesta

I’m being dead serious if you think I’m ballin :fr:

i’m gonna miss it again aren’t i :fr:

depends on how quick I can speedrun easter event on 25 files :fr:

You do have easter break right

Why would you do that to yourself again.

How else can I distribute Shining Insanity 3 violently without repercussions?

April fools…?

Fair enough

The file in question:

ngl yeah this sorta makes sense. it would be a bad idea if AO actually had constant clan wars and clans that didn’t get their OP weapons restored start losing all their infamy, but i believe that’s not really the case

vetex should still bugproof the updates more

Same with me :sob:
sunken sword along with 3 other sunkens, and my other weapons… i now have almost nothing.