Testers, What is Your Process?

obliged to restore all requests if we did that

i tested how to make npcs, thats my process.


ain’t fair to pick and choose who we restore, we’d end up stacking months of requests that we simply can’t go through

You don’t have to choose. You can just randomize it. Or you could limit it to only people who lost a certain amount and value of weapons

restore giveaway. 15 lucky winners will have their weapons restored :3

I mean why not? it would still save 15 people hours

ur right it would, but then we go back to us feeling morally obliged to restore everyone who lost items


lap 2

If a small number of people provably lost items to another bug, would you restore their items?

Bro do you know how much more outraged people would be if they only restored a few people’s items :unamused:


yea, we do this already

Well isn’t that unfair

I’m pretty sure most people would prefer to have a chance of having their items restored though


but it’s the same thing. You’re choosing to restore only some people’s items

Sure, anyone would like the chance of gaining back their items. But if only a few randomly chosen get their items back, the rest will be at Vetex’s throat lol.

There cannot be special exceptions for certain players. Everything must be fair.

we restore everyone for those bugs.

we are incapable of restoring everyone for this bug.

dats pretty much all there is to say

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