Should AA be uncopylocked?



Why are you arguing this, this isn’t an argument. You don’t want to play reborn then play legacy. Clearly you don’t know what you’re talking about with the clone games.

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Alrighty then. I wasn’t gonna make an actual answer since I thought it was one sided that you think only people who don’t agree with you need to explain why, instead of both sides of the discussion explaining why, but here goes.

I don’t think it would really benefit anyone. We’ve already got a decent remake with Vetex’s blessing and permission, Arcane Reborn. Letting people have access to the code and assets just rubs me the wrong way.

@stalgia (also Arcane Legacy seems to have been discontinued)

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Discontinued ass game lmao!!!

Discontinued. Clearly you don’t know what you’re talking about with the remakes.

The codes all broken and nearly all the assets other than the map are reskins of Roblox catalog items

That’s not what I meant by that and you know it. And I did know Legacy was discontinued but that doesn’t mean you can’t play it. You also only posted that comment after the other guy said it had been discontinued so ¯_(ツ)_/¯.

I have 56 hours on arcane legacy and have various messages in the arcane legacy discord server acknowledging it being discontinued what are you trying to say :skull:

Only first sea is released.

It feels like you’re just arguing for the sake of arguing at this point.
There’s no real negatives to this.

You want nostalgia there’s your nostalgia. You’re the one who started a pointless argument and I’m just trying to correct your misinformed opinion. People have better things to do then try to revive this dead game, and you should have better things to do than play them.

real drama thread


Where was i misinformed?

If it’s so pointless then just stop responding :man_shrugging:

cite above

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the code is broken anyway

it would be useless

Map marker argument 2

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I can load it into 2017 studio with filtering disabled and play it perfectly lol its pretty useful


I could even host my own server with it and allow everyone to join

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oh wait if time travel is part of the equation

that sounds quite nice

why would he do that
you already got plenty of stolen copies of it if you just wanna see the map

Why wouldn’t he

why would he dump his work online for anyone to steal
youd need a good reason for him to uncopylock in the first place, you cant justify an action with just “why not”

your reason is

you can already do that

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