Should AA be uncopylocked?

Idk ask him why he made online fighting uncopylocked recently :man_shrugging:

cuz someone asked
look man we are going by the assumption that he wouldnt want, otherwise why would you even make a topic, just ask him

im just giving reasons as to why he might not want to uncopylock the game (since you literally asked for that), but its all up to him

Alr I’ll ask him but it’s gonna take him ages to get to it because of how busy he is right now

Arcane Reborn alredy exists, there is no reason to have more remakes other than just having them

Shut up american

I think like me , He don’t want see his own dream games beging destroyed and turning on “arcane adventures tycoon” Or a “Arcane simulator” Or "anime arcane "


That has nothing to do with this topic and nobody asked for what you think about me as a person. The argument is over and there’s clearly no need for you to try and instigate anything.

You are Canadian you can’t insult people

yeah, sorry, was unnecessary

I feel like uncopylocking AA would not only allow for more remakes, but also people taking many of the game’s mechanics and using them to create their own projects.

However, I fear that this would also lead to dozens of low-effort cashgrabs that capitalize on the current popularity of AO, which would be disgracing the original charm of AA. While I would love to see it uncopylocked, there’s no denying the downsides that come with it.

Not sure if it would be that useful for copying aa considering the code doesn’t work
At all

Yeah but the code doesn’t work and people already have accessed the map to create numerous remakes in the past. Not just Al and ar

Fat bitch only the french cant

Its better when its only memory for someones


He retired bruh, instead lets just ask @spongjy if he can

The only thing I see with uncopylocking AA is that AR would cross-reference if need be to see if there’s anything that has to be changed.

( For the most part there isn’t, but if there is any it could be helpful. )


Should WoM be uncopylocked?