Should I halt Winged Warriors to make a simulator game?

anime games objectively make more money and take less time to create

How does winged warriors work? I saw it in another post but forgot

itā€™s a pvp rpg game

Sounds cool, can I see some footage anywhere

accurate depiction of earth meta

im thinking if i should nerf earth lol (damage ā†’ 1.4375)

also should i generally buff the size of every spell?

One thing Iā€™ve noticed with power simulators is the extreme stat gap. With no cap to stats, shit gets messy. I also donā€™t know how to store extremely big numbers.

should there be a (really high) stat cap (example: around 1 quintillion cap)
  • yes
  • no
0 voters

the stat cap should be the interger limit for roblox

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Personally I like these games because of the big number. Iā€™m sure alot of people play these games for the big funni

why am i only sharing this link now :sob:

Bro thinks heā€™s balance cord

fuck it iā€™m most likely halting winged warriors for this simulator

i need a name tho

that magic power simulator sounds funny. Not everything has to be actually named i guess

i just realized that the combat of this game would be nearly identical to winged warriors lol

To me, the name ā€œWarriors of Greedy Cashgrabsā€ sounds perfect.

the current name is ā€œthat magic power simulatorā€ btw rn

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Actually sounds good

What combat system? (what makes more buck and/or fame)
  • Similar to ā€œtraditionalā€ simulators where you can indefinitely fly and throw attacks out easily
  • A little more grounded, mostly high leaps (thinking of AO or Rogue Lineage)
0 voters

also for grounded combat, youā€™re likely to get weapons

nvm i just realized that if the simulator was set in the modern world (city), it wouldnā€™t make sense to use melee weapons when you have guns