Should I halt Winged Warriors to make a simulator game?

Arcane Odyssey Simulator

Redwake as the first training area where you can train your powers

Frostmill as the same

Cirrus as the same

Sailors lodge as the same

Fort Talos as a raid

Ravenna as a raid and training area

Then Mount Othrys as a training area

add game passes for the Triasta, Sunken Sword, Sunken Staff, and most of the rare and unique weapons

add game passes for pulsar, javelin, and surge

add fishing and make the chance for sunken weapons 0.00001%

Thermo fist and other fighting styles costs (Except for combat) tons of strength to use

Spirit Weapons as a gamepass until AO releases it

then make a pvp system

Also make unique and rare weapons chances really low to make it more of a cash grab make it %1 chance

and make Dark Sea lightning have a 10% chance of striking you and alanteans are always level 600

BTW magic costs robux or 1 awakening to unlock it on your other slot

and you have to spin for them

im thinking if i should make a battlegrounds game instead of a power simulator

i heard battleground games are trending or rising, so what game should i make
  • simulator
  • battlegrounds (painstaking amount of time to make)
0 voters

Arcane odyssey battlegrounds NOW!!!1111

imagine vetex whips out the copystrike :sob:

Scuff up the characterā€™s names EXAMPLE morden to morton

lmfao or maybe just the combat system in general

also i alr had an idea for the battlegrounds but whatever takes less time lol

Make it m1 m1 m1 m1 knockback

do people like 1 shot combo pvp style

yes will attract more people trust

its not skill vs skill its who has the better combo

Boy I sure love characters like:

pupil, the weirdo

King calvin of revanne

shurt the wandering swordsguy

ruby roxanne

eddy kentun the banned sailor

lorenzor the potion cooker

lady karen fighter of the cult

lord elian annoying shithead of the cult

general asparagus

Nervous, the directionally challenged prince

Morton the power stealer

im all for devs making money THEN doing passion projects

thatā€™s literally what Iā€™m doing lol

should i have traditional fantasy weapons even though itā€™s a world with (good?) guns
  • yes
  • no
0 voters
what overall technology time should the world be set in
  • 21st century
  • 18th century
  • 15th century
0 voters

iā€™m thinking if i should have (magical) swords/spears/daggers/etc in a world with guns

(should i just go ā€œfuck it, magic gunsā€)

also i forgot to say but youā€™re very unlikely to get the more grounded combat if thereā€™s no weapons