Should I play Deepwoken?

Oh yeah and my opinion on the actual topic

The game is kind of polarizing when it comes to peoples opinions in literally anything about it (exhibit a: this thread). But if you do enjoy it you get at least 50 hours worth of content if you don’t like PvP and hundreds more if you do, and it’s like 2 bucks right now so it’s absolutely worth it imo.

They also just dropped a pretty big update so it’s a good time to get into it (random killers are busy with new content)

manifest this image within your mind whenever you feel the toxicity taking over

Their all static, don’t move at all

There is nothing moving in the sea except the same two sea monsters (brainsucker which flies anyway and lionfish)

The dread serpent in question (I see your point though)

Voidsea content is something the communities been asking for for a while, leading to quite possibly the worst take on the dark sea in ao I’ve ever heard

my friend is a major deepwoker and keeps trying to tell me that Deepwoken sea exploration and combat is better than AO

i havent played so i can’t rlly compare them

Honestly i get more pissed at the idea that any one is “better” than the other in the first place

Sekiro can’t be better than sea of thieves, they are 2 entirely different games with different intentions


To be completely honest even though I dislike PvP in deepwoken the pve in deepwoken though is better it’s much more involved than running and pressing blasts or weapon skills ao pve is still good but saying it’s better than deep I don’t really agree I would they aren’t super compare able but I enjoy deep pve more

I kinda know I already posted this, but I forgot if I really did.

What magic game can you recommend that has lore and interesting power system?

Elden ring


I take it you’re referring to RPGs as ‘magic games’, yes? I’ll have a few recommendations ready if that’s the case, on and off roblox.

The sea content is p lackluster for a game thats about sailing

Actually could you give that list, I’m looking for some good ones too

Off Roblox? Any soulsborne game

On Roblox? Idk tbh, still waiting for Fantastic Frontier to get its update, and when it does, that will be the best rpg game on the platform

Well, this is straying a bit from the original topic, but here’s the stuff that I can recall.


Lore Game


Elden Ring
Risk of Rain 2 (technically, it is an RPG)
V Rising (it too is technically an RPG)
One Step From Eden (is it technically an RPG?)
Rain World

I don’t have anymore because I cleaned my wish list months back

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How is rain world an rpg

It is an immersive survival RPG in which you incarnate the role of a weak creature (RPG is a broad genre).

RPG as a title is stupid.
“Yes, in this game you play a role”
You play a role in every game that has a player character!

Isn’t that basically every game ever conceived of except the uber-meta ones where you play as yourself

Undertale is the most RPG non-RPG ever, then.