Skill tree ability ideas

Come up with some ideas for abilities and whatnot that could be added in the skill tree

Go wild and have fun, they dont have to make sense because these arent actual suggestions

my specialty!

Charging an ability too long = Self damaging explosion that harms you and the enemy

You = Little bit of damage
Enemy = A lot of damage


dodge reflex increase from 1 → 2


good ideas actually

if you parry a person exactly when they’re talking then you have them “blocked” which doesn’t show further messages from them to you

the other player can see this in a message and can send an appeal to continue showing their messages

LMAO peak idea

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you can dodge sharks/sea monsters underwater by double tapping/shift moving (the same way you dash above water)
it’ll move less further tho

Eating food now gives you slightly better buffs

Dodge Reflexes other than heat-based ones can be used underwater.

Add 1 to the limit of maximum blasts-per-explosion spell

  • some sort of damage aura around you when you charge energy/attacks
  • Jump spell recharges on the surface of the water
  • Dodging into people damages them
  • Ult art attacks work like nerfed chain shot
  • Parrying/blocking attacks distributes the damage around you, dealing it to anyone not in your party
  • Destroyed terrain parts deal damage to anyone they hit

If you’re 50 levels or higher than another player, music from one of the bosses will replace the standard in-combat theme for the lower level player


Standing on grass reduces insanity


dodge reflex should work underwater(if it doesn’t already I never bothered checking if it works underwater)

  • You can High Jump once in the air for 33% of a grounded T-Jump’s height.
  • If you’ve used your dodge reflex and land a grab, your reflex is restored.
  • Your jumping/falling speed is reduced by 5%.
  • Shark or Enemy drops are 20% more common, or rarer drops are 25% more common.

Juggernaut airstep

  • Leaps are stationary when out of combat
  • Sea Beast damage decrease and one-hit immunity
  • Basic Attacks stamina consumption decreased when used in the air
  • Climbing stamina consumption decrease and recuperation of dodge reflex(es) on climb
  • Potion Effect Limit increases from 2 to 3
  • Proficiency Experience gain increase
  • Repair Hammer efficiency increase
  • Water Poisoning damage decrease
  • Thunderstrike damage decrease
  • Selling prices increase
  • NPC Detection Range decrease
  • Satiation Decrease Rate decrease
  • Starvation damage decrease
  • Item Collection increase
  • Underwater Fog decrease

hold in more oxygen (4*[percentage of how much water breathing] ) when underwater

You deal more damage to a specific magic/build- racism.

You deal more damage to S*a Dwellers