SkittleSnakes1's Morock yap and ramble thread

And Cursebeard just sat down like a bitch and let himself get gangbanged by U. Zeus and Durza?

Don’t backtrack. Your entire argument just proves you are yapping out of your ass because you know you’re wrong. Your entire argument was so bad you had to resort to, “but what if we remove his ability???”, what if we remove Valencia’s Ability? What about Torren? And Trigno? All worthless.

No not really, like I’ve told you several times he’s responsible for the domino chain of AA occurring the way it did lol. (scroll if you want it)

Yeah and? It was a write off death because Vetex couldn’t give him a real death, or couldn’t actually flesh out his death at the sea good enough.

Brother pulled up the most ironic statement i’ve made LOL, i’ve told you this was ironic, months ago. Yeah, you are clueless.

Clueless. You know nothing about AA I guess? Firstly, he fought in the THIRD Sea, y’know that one place where the AG has NO supply because it’s enemy territory? And Secondly, they technically fought near some Islands, so yes, Morock had certain parts of his ship covered by natural defences.

Clueless Puppykeeper!

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cope? your only argument revolves around small petty things because you are not gifted enough to use the information given to you for free lmao

→ requires on ironic statements that were called ironic months ago, (scroll up dunce)

→ requires to make an argument where, “what if we removed his powers??”

You’re not as smart as I thought you were puppykeeper.

Stand Disgraced Puppykeeper,
You’ve disappointed me :yawning_face:

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chat what if we removed supermans powers???

heh… silly superman without his powers couldn’t beat… hawkman xdddddd

see?? superman isn’t strong if we remove his in universe ability!! cmon this is a vert smart decision xddd

My fat fucking thumb missclicked

brother deleted his comment whilst i was reading it, but regardless i was able to read it.

Firstly, no, Morock has to be SUBMERGED in magic-salt water to die, something you don’t understand?

And Secondly, Morock DOES play a role in the AU, in the best AU piece of media, ShrekSheep’s goated Webcomic (the AU bible)

Cope, durzite!!!

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Whatever :man_shrugging:
Arguing with you takes too much time, it’s much more fun to just bully you instead

Care to reveal the strange contents of this jar? We know it isn’t Promethean water…

its glue

kinda looks like you were the one getting bullied dawg :rofl:

bleach, how else do you think he keeps his hair like that

Bleach isn’t white like that

morocks sheer awesomeness and promethean swag made it pure white

yeaa!!! goopman gets it!!!



i think that it was just drawback 99 so it weakened him

well yeah he was so strong that the combination of him and Valencia fighting on his ship made it snap like a twig, so he got surprised and fell

Durza foolishly decided to have an undead army, not knowing that since they are his minions, when they fight people he is considered in combat, making him have a slower regen speed.

Balance team trolled even durza

One of my favourite things about this thread is that despite it being mostly about Morock, any pictures of him are not the picture that the forum chose to represent this thread. Instead, the picture for this thread is william gilliam.

Well yeah he’s the strongest character. Vetex is trying to cover it up, but the real reason Morock is no longer canon is because William Gilliam attained consciousness and erased Morock for funsies.

Here’s the funny part: Scroll through this thread and try to find where the picture william gilliam actually is

it was in this post but you deleted it

you cant hide from me