SkittleSnakes1's Morock yap and ramble thread

ngl it seems like you actually care more about the promethean flame more than you do Morock themselves

which, although related, they aren’t really mutually inclusive of eachother.

skittlesnakes1 was a false prophet this whole time…

True morockpilled cursemaxxers know any for morock takes is still morock

Morock akin to the God of Christianity comes in a trinity.
There is the Vessel you know as “Morock Creed”, alike the Jesus of our world.
There is the “Hound of God”, the title held by the vessel Morock resides in.
And then there is “Promethean Flame”, which is attached to Morock as his symbol of total power. Morock is powerful even without it, but it is the Promethean flame that is his true weapon, and the power used by all of his vessels.

Read above, HEATHEN.

The great church of morock schism has arrived, those who worship the new morock, and those who worship the old…

Truly, an arcane odyssey (wait is skittle the pope)

bla bla bla it’s just white fire bro

i cant believe skittles is racist :pensive:
he only liked morock when his fire was white…

@FlorenceIsHavoc @Darkshadow56556
I’ve had enough, I call upon my Arch-Bishops to WIPE away this HEATHEN.

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Im done explaining to you infidels on why Promethean Flame is a core of Morock. You will be burnt to the crisp for being a heretic who dared to disrespect the name of the lord

With what?

Promethean Flame.

sorry bro metal outclashes it

especially considering it DOESNT EXIST

in pokemon fire>steel so gg i win

non-canon promethean flame chuds when I unleash the power of paper and ink:

nice argument, small issue, I’m using gold

all metals are treated as steel type.


true, unfortunately promethean fire doesn’t exist, meaning morock is currently a missingno. this means his type is unknown, and therefore I very well can outclash him

Morock fr bird/normal :sob:

This NEW Morock is not the real Morock.

This FAKE was not chosen by Prometheus, therefore he is not a hound of god, am i correct?

Morock cannot be him without his symbol of total power. THE promethean flame.

It will always be connected to the REAL Morock. This fraudulent fake wishes he could be him.

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what curse did my man even get though


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