SkittleSnakes1's Morock yap and ramble thread

sir, a second retcon has hit the Morock.

Why is this even still an argument? Morocks legacy will be forever solidified as the strongest and thatā€™s that


pretty strong but not the strongest*

bro was soloā€™d by a banana peel he defo ainā€™t the strongest

morock the kinda guy to heave a garbage bag over his shoulder then flip backwards and have his shoes fly up into the air

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not true what is this clueless heathen speaking of :yawning_face:

Which is why im waging a holy war on ira- the forums. You filthy terroristic forumers shalt be dealt with :fire_magic:

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look at the date

Bro admits Morock is build carried :skull:

When did I admit this? If this clueless baffoon with the combined intelligence of a baboon and a chipmunk would gain the ability to scroll up using his fingers and his mouse he would soon find the full context.

We are not amused, puppykeeper, the disgraced.

The way I interpret this is"Morock is nothing without his Promethean flame", and thatā€™s pretty much what you said

Iā€™m on mobile bozo

@puppykeeper1234 read, boy.

Your mind utilises as much electro-magnetic impulses as i create when i clap my hands we are not on the same level

these baka gaijins are getting out of control :rage:ā€¦

Racially motivated?

unrelated but like, is this a good budget build? Iā€™m trying to make a somewhat easy to create build for my mage file:

Hereā€™s an alternate version without agility:


Iā€™m not sure which oneā€™s better, what do you guys think? more power is always nice but the other build grants a decent amount of mobility

no, boy because you are of a lesser status than me and i am your social superior

I am a clergymen, you are a mere peasant :pray:

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keep agility I made the mistake of making meta builds, agility is important.

how is this related to morock (i dont keep up with the thread)

it isnt

he got posessed by stock

it isnā€™t related at all but I needed advice and this is a yapping thread so I decided to take my chances

(which one is better tho seriously)

mf just use the pvp category

you gambled and you lost