SkittleSnakes1's Morock yap and ramble thread

if you think about it cheese is the tastiest form of rotten food we humans have created

can Morock solo lactose :thinking:

yeah he can, but the real question is can lactose solo Typ?

No, I eat all the cheese I want :sunglasses:

Bye bye Promethean flame, hello Aetherial

Biggest downgrade in history power wise

though probably for the better

what would aetherial flame even do that aether doesn’t

I imagine Aethereal Flame is a direct upgrade to Aether, and I imagine Aether is based around charging. Works for me!

It does make sense, seeing as how other than Promethean Flame, Aether used to be THE strong magic.

Its based on light, not aether
It’s just called that bc it’s bright AF

How do you know?

Bc it’s supposed to be blinding like light
And aether distinctly doesn’t blind

Athereal I’m pretty sure was said to be the Brightest Fire out of all the grand fire curses.

It sure feels blinding when you’re up against it.

no vetex just likes the word aether.

its just really bright fire, not explosive like aether, that would be scorch

Well, I do love scorch.

Also the weakest of the grand fires too :upside_down_face:

I don’t think they should be rated like that, honestly. It should depend on how good you are.

weakest physically, yes.

but if your opponent is completely blind the whole fight, and you are using an ANCIENT magic, I don’t think it really matters anyway

Well, we know Morock ain’t so

At our current standpoint, both the Promethean Curse and the Dark flame Curse were retconned.

So we’re left with Scorch, Inferno, and Athereal.

And then 3 that are secret for no reason.