SkittleSnakes1's Morock yap and ramble thread

Me and Morock are fused like Itadori and Sukuna :100:

the lorerock deepens…

Protestant reformation in the church of morock is crazy

I believe it to be impersonation.
How do you feel good about yourself while also not shutting up about how great someone else is?
This is how

Nah me and Morock are quite literally fused into one body, like its kinda annoying trying to sleep sometimes

But I do get to use Promethean Fire so thats cool :speaking_head:

can you feel it when morock comes inside you?

Aethereal reformation?

Don’t you just hate it when you are just about to drift off the sleep and hear “I need to destroy the arcane government” and it wakes you up

Wars of Forum Religion
The Promethean Loyalists vs the Aethereal Reformationists
(vs the Remnants of the Church of Iris, but they’re hiding in the shadows)

Yeah I have this recurring dream where it encourages me to burn down Government buildings and recruit a pirate fleet to destroy the Government at sea. Really strange.

I personally, do not experience this
(just in case someone thought that I was secretly Morock)

your username is blaze

you are clearly cursebeard

I like inferno and its included in promethean flame and i fucking hate retcons so ill be a loyalist sure

That’s rather poetic actually since I was always the one arguing against skittle on the side of cursebeard being the strongest

as a certified metal user, I was actually John thorne this whole time

This would be a good concept for a story


Promethean Loyalists:

  • The Church of Morock
  • Inferno Cultists
  • Rupin’s Followers
  • The Darkflame Occult

Aethereal Reformationists

  • The Reformed Church of Morock
  • Aethereal Warriors
  • Scorch Patriots
  • The Arcane Government
  • Trigno’s Pirates

which side are you on :fire::100:



Forum 30 years war when

Brandenburg-Aetherelia vs The Arch-Duchy of Promethea

Ending in the peace of bermuda archipelago

you are goated