Snow Some Respect

btw do you think crystal is better than sand?



idk no not really

they kinda equal imo

actually wait sand is better than crystal lmao :frcryin:

Same size (somehow)
They have the same amount of synergies but crystal’s is slightly stronger
Well there isn’t really a point in continuing this argument since no one can convince the other of anything

Everyone already knows and agrees the worst magics are snow and and sand and fire is supreme s stier

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okay well I still think snow sucks

but yeah sand might be better than crystal (although crystal synergies are definitely not to be underestimated)

You’re the only person with that opinion, everyone with a brain knows that sand is A tier

only fire uses have the brains to see its s tier and noobs who look at stats say what u say :rage:

Basic bitch magic

do u feel different yet :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Let’s argue about it for 200 posts

honestly im just gonna tell u im not acc mad at u im just trolling and defending my fav magic

so dw I don’t hate other magics I have enough files with others

Bleed is almost useless unless youre a conjurer

me who is planning to be an ice conjurer on my main file :smirk:


unless you’re some weirdo who hates status effects and must stop everything to waste a T jump mid fight for shifting, most people would probably ignore the bleed

I use snow because why not and also the blind which last 6 seconds but is getting nerfed
