So a website technically copied this website

So a long time ago, there was this thread by @Broly where it linked to a website wherein which you could basically get a random stand with a certain ability. Here’s some examples:


Pretty cool, right?

Well, there was actually an interesting thread where it linked to this wiki that documented superpowers in fiction, and the interesting thing is that the abilities for every single stand on the “stand generator” are also on the superpower wiki.

Seriously, just click on this and go to the first PNG

You can also see this on the second and third PNGs too.

So, a website technically copied this wiki by stealing descriptions from it.

This is just a small nitpick I wanted to point out since I actually really like both websites and regularly visit them. Aside from that, I don’t really have a problem with the stealing of descriptions, but that’s just me. What do you people think?


Wdym? We didn’t come up with any of those descriptions.

Dw, i meant to say the website

I feel like it’s more likely that the random generator just uses the superpower fandom wiki entries. I doubt the creator of such a small project really wrote all those descriptions.

thanks for the shoutout homeboy :100:

anytime brudda

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