So how do the trust levels work?

i didnt even know this

How do you check your trust level?


legendary 2 year necrobump :scream:


just check your own profile

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Your current trust level displays in your profile. if you want to view your progress towards Regular/TL3, you can check out Forum Check-Up / Name Change


and how exactly are visits counted?

A visit is a day your account is active on the forums. So if I got onto the site 5 days in the past week, that’s 5 visits


how do u gain visits?

Each day you log onto the forums counts as a visit. So 15 visits is being online on the forums for 15 days

damn 15 days thas tuff well thankyou and have a great day

How do I check my trust lvl

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with TL2 is it required for 15 visits in 15 consecutive days?

No, just 15 days in total

I’ve been on this forum for more than that time

3 more days

oh I thought you meant 15 days of being on the forum