So personally, is anyone else pretty sad about how Unstable Insanity Works?

basically, i intended to go really deep into the dark sea, as far as i could basically but now unstable insanity basically mkes that impossible im not sure if you can spam potions to out dps it or something but i still find it pretty saddening how unstables gonna work this way, maybe some kind of Ultra Warding armour to nerf its damage to a adjustable amount or something? cause like man I wanted to explore to the very corners of the renderable dark sea just like I personally did months before with magius, yes im that guy who swam to 3/4’s of the renderable water corners in magius and i kinda wanna do it again but in the dark seas now with ships its overall just pretty saddening to me.

one note though, dangerous insanity looks completely fine how it is having a point where you NEED warding gear is actually a nice touch and makes the feature kinda useful otherwise people would completely ignore it.

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Well I mean, I’d presume unstable insanity should be ridiculously hard to get, something to always be around the corner to creep you and such but well, something that won’t kick in most of the time

but well, if it’s way common than how I think of it as then yeah, I see it as a problem then

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i personally just don’t like the idea of insanity doing damage to you. i know that might be an unpopular opinion, but honestly it doesn’t really make sense to me. i personally think insanity should instead have effects that make it harder to interact with the environment, such as players losing sense of direction, or having difficulty fighting npcs/players.


The Pain experience

depends on the kinda delusions, if it was played out like rogue lineage yeah that would sound better, although the tier 5 of rogue lineage insanity is kinda uh… fun. yeah lets go with that.

Fun? In Rogue? Impossible!

i wouldn’t mind it as much if it were extremely minimal damage over a long period of time, but tbh, 33% of damage every 2 seconds is fucking ridiculous. i feel like it just takes away from it being immersive.

the focus should be on creating a creative obstacle for the player, not trying to make it like stamina or health bars. imo thats just lame.

It’s all fun and games until a giant pitch black eyeless c moon shaped smiling slenderman bodied creature appears and starts making unholy screeches while holding you in the air.

This part is 100% crucial.
Unstable Insanity isn’t just “oh haha funny I got Unstable Insanity for walking by a tree.” It will likely be used as a tool to prevent players from accessing certain things or entering certain areas.

Dark Seas aren’t meant to extend infinitely, that would literally harm performance, which is probably exactly why Unstable Insanity exists. How lame would having the Dark Seas just cut off randomly be, or using a physical border? Unstable Insanity is the perfect way to prevent people going too far.


I think it might be fine for Unstable seeing as how its purpose is to be unplayable but for Dangerous I would probably just prefer a higher level of disorientation, slight damage would be fine too.


i think i can agree on that.

i still think Unstable should have a more creative way to make it unplayable, but i dont mind it as much.


Actually maybe something that harshly restricts vision like almost complete visual restriction could work since if it’s going to be used in the way that I theorized, in place of physical barriers, then being completely blind would prevent the player from seeing anything they aren’t supposed to (in the case of the Dark Seas, complete barren-ness as a result of finite generation).

The player would either find their way back to safety or become forced to kill themselves, which although grave, makes sense. I still think you should at least take some level of damage with max insanity though, just maybe not that much.

i most certainly agree


it could just be standard tier 1-3 insanity and not unstable, it’s another one of those cases where we literally have no idea how any of it will work

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yeah thats true

This is literally how it works already… only the highest 2 tiers of insanity deal damage, and the 2nd highest is fully preventable


Insanity is a cool effect, i love it.

Also idk what the OP means by “i wanted to go really far into dark sea so insanity damage prevents that”, if dark sea gave you insanity 4 or 5 when you set foot in it that would basically invalidate the entire feature. You guys just don’t understand how hard insanity will be to get, and as Fluect mentioned, insanity 5 is meant to be avoided altogether. You can still build your character around insanity 4 and be just as strong, not really sure why yall are making this is such a huge deal


is insanity 5 used in the overworld at all or is it only obtainable through the player equipping insanity items?