So personally, is anyone else pretty sad about how Unstable Insanity Works?

Huh, I guess that’s fine.

But imagine, if you actually heard random things and saw random hallucinations

I’m pretty sure he’s working on that

OMG VETEX!!! WOW! strong text

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OH. alright then

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Also I’m not really clear on what insanity does. If someone could explain it to me it would be very appreciated.

You wouldn’t be able to go that far, obviously it has to be limited at some point since the further you travel in roblox games the more glitchy everything gets due to floating point precision. There will be a threshold where it gives you insanity 5, but even getting that far will be extremely hard, and before you even enter that threshold you would get a warning anyway. TLDR forum should stop complaining about shit without knowing how it works fully




Could someone explain briefly what Insanity would be? I went looking into it and found so much that even my head almost exploded, but as I understand it is a system of “fear”, that’s all.

Is that a younger anime wonder woman? What the hell is that profile Zen

123 is nothing much
4 can fk you up
5 will fk you up

to add on to what drayal said: all of these levels will also affect stuff like your vision, your audio etc. Though at which level those effects start is currently unknown

ah ok, thxs, from what I view some time ago, in the trello that Insanity could also change its vision to the point of seeing things that don’t even exist, like spirits or hallucinations

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Consider it more so as criticism based off of publicly available information and less so as just short sighted complaints.
Granted a fair amount of it is usually just people making short sighted complaints about things they don’t know anything about. But when you give your community access to bits and pieces of information without the full context, they’re going to discuss that information among themselves and not the entirety of it. Simply because they don’t know how much there is underneath the surface or if there even is anything under there.

I get what ya mean mate, but it appears as if your labeling alot of well thought out criticism as simple complaints.
Most of us here understand that what we know is limited and that it should be treated as such.
( I hope so at least. )
We’re simply debating over the currently accessible information pool among ourselves and speculating what the final product will actually end up as.

CoffeeAndNums, A.K.A Supreme Numsness.


I aint readin all that chief but thats just me

go outside

:eyes: :coffee:
It saddens me that you can’t recognize the beauty of my essay writing skills and would instead turn your eyes away from it. But be it as it may, I shall hold in my tears and pray that one day you will see the light.
: )

I find myself a tad bit offended by that comment, mate.
I go outside fairly often actually, I just happen to prefer the comfort of my cave and as such spend a considerable amount of time in it, as compared to the great outdoors.
: (

VETEX you are doing a great job. KEEP GOING!

1v1 me

what is this outside you speak of