On AO Criticism

With AO getting closer and closer to getting released, combined with a series of questionable changes. Alot of people have been, naturally, dishing out their fair share of criticism.
While I do stand by this –

I also agree with Vetex on the matter, to an extent –

My point being, instead of well thought out criticism. I’ve seen a fair amount of unproductive complaints going around in their stead.
I’m not going to tell ya to just up and wait til AO comes out but what I will say is this.
If your going to comment on the matter, at least be constructive about it and bear in mind that at the end of the day, we only know bit and pieces of the puzzle.
And as such, our criticism should reflect that.

TDLR, be more like me and keep your criticism to a minimum until AO comes out.
Though once it comes out… that’s another matter entirely. I have quite a few essays that I intend to write once it comes out & the suggestion category is reopened.

PSA / rant is now over.


most of this is because we decided we shouldn’t see much of the development, and are now mad we don’t get to see much
tldr this shit is our fault


I’ve never heard of that decision being made, but I can easily believe it.
When did this happen?

twitter poll that vetex made a while back pretty sure

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It wasn’t really content overall but island revels that Vetex did the poll on. We said we wanted it to be vague and here we are. I still stand by this decision though others may be hypocritical as they lose patience.

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I’m stealing this quote, thank you

I would also agree with Archer that the majority of people voted that they did not want to see a whole bunch of development updates but only snip bits. Due to this vote, AO is blurrier to understand than if we did vote for more teasers.

Lastly from me, I think that we should agree on the fact that though AO is not released yet, we should still give our opinions from what we do know. If the trello has one specific change said, then we know that the implementation said will be in the game. Based on that, we can give our opinions from what we know

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Yeah I agree, from what we do know there’s a fair amount that can be ripped apart and examined.

Seems about right.

im still sad that banks are gone as an individual player


Didn’t know you had a bear in your mind.



Even if we don’t completely know everything about the mechanics of reasoning behind a lot of new features/removal of features, I feel still some changes are completely useless. Per say, the removal of individual banks, I’ve seen NOTHING but hate due to this drastic and, quite frightening change.

Personally, not everyone wants to join a guild, but vetex is just incentivizing it by making it the ONLY way to store money. So you either have to spend a lot of money on a self-guild, or put your beloved money in the hands of a different guild leader.

TLDR: vetex also needs to listen to the community, nonetheless his godly reasoning.

So far, these past few weeks haven’t been looking so good, all he has been doing is removing good features, upsetting people with different features, and barely getting other content out.

Although, no matter my or others complaints, we’ll just have to wait and see for AO to come out.

mindless AO complaints?

Sorry, but I must respectfully decline. I can’t lose my edginess or I will spontaneously combust.

Also, guilds need a bank more than guildless players do, as there’s going to be other guilds trying to kill them. If you stay out of a guild, you shouldn’t have anyone random killing you. Any crown loss after that is just the game.

But yeah, I still agree having a guild bank is advantageous, but definitely not required.

Also, Vetex removing features had reasoning you simply can’t seem to absorb, despite Vetex himself sticking it in your face.


Alt+f4 loses 0 crowns in exchange for jail time by just declining fines if you’re guildless

If you have a guild then you have a bank

If you want a personal bank, make an alt


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