So What Are You Going to Do when the Update Comes?

Gonna be honest, I forgot about this

I get home from school 4 hours post-update
which is probally for the best since that way i wont have to compete too hard and get heavily hunted for dodge reflex+brig

Gonna be honest, first thing me and my friend will do is sleep because it drops at midnight for us + avoiding the clusterfuck of the first few hours is always good

actually imma be sleepin bc that shit drops at midnight where i am :expressionless:

I still wish vetex added the fake discord ping to when our character is suffering from insanity :frowning_with_open_mouth:


I love that absolutely nobody here (unless I missed someone) has plans to get the new shovel and fishing rod enchantments

I have plans to nab them but maybe not initially. Cause i gotta find two Resilience Deckhands rq.

Can always fish in the dark seas too.

You should get durability deckhands

I already have two of them.

Good but not enough

Im going too…

find a build i like because i still haven’t found anything since release

ill come too

Get galleons for the Brig. I’m at 15.6k but I’m sure I won’t have enough when the update comes.

you’re right, the brig will cost 20k

If the shovel enchantments help with Galleon gain, I’m all in for it.

what would be the next tier though? nimbus sealed chest?

I doubt the sealed chests will be upgraded, your best chance for money from upgraded chests would be ingredient bags probably, since getting a very rare potion ingredient or a gem could be pretty helpful.

Alright I’m going to be leaving the forums until I have discovered most of the things in the update.
Good luck everyone and prepare for all the global messages.

Good luck to you too.

Find the sirens Ruby used as references for their siren fanart.

For no reason in particular.

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